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"Gosh, I feel sick. I swear I will sleep for 2 days straight after delivering the file"

Jungkook walks slowly, enjoying the fresh air. As he reaches the school, he felt a weird sensation in his heart. Suddenly his heart is beating fast. He can feel that his inner wolf isn't at ease. As if he is kind of anxious. He thinks something bad will happen or may be happening. 

Is it about Taehyung?

Jungkook runs without wasting any time.

No one POV

Mates are like soulmates. Each werewolf has a mate. The mates are their destined soulmates, and they were chosen by the moon goddess (their god). They can understand each other's feelings better than anyone can. The wolf can sense it if his mate is sad or in danger. It's called mate bond. If they reject each other, then the mate bond starts to break after some time. They can no longer feel each other's emotions. The mate bond between them disappears permanently.

Jungkook arrives at school. He smells an amazing scent. A pleasant, sweet smell. Obviously, he knows it's Taehyung. The fragrance is much sweeter than usual. 

"Go and look for him, he is in danger"

Jungkook listens to his wolf. He runs every corner of the classroom. Taehyung's scent becomes even harder to handle. At this point, Jungkook knows Taehyung is in heat. On his way, he found Taehyung's bag. He searches through his bag, and he finds the heat suppressant.

"HUH!!?!! Is he a dumb king!! HOW CAN SOMEONE FORGETS HIS HEAT suppressant AT A TIME LIKE THIS!! WHAT!! ARE YOU SERIOUS BRO!! WTF," --he yells, not caring the weird look the others girls are giving.

Jungkook is beyond angry and frustrated as hell. He took the pills and searches for Taehyung.

The school was already over so not many students are there. 

Meanwhile, Taehyung is still suffering alone. Soft sobs leaving his mouth. 

"Why doesn't this pain end? I am missing my precious soft bed so much. I should have listened to Jin Hyung when he had told me to carry around my suppressant pills. Furthermore, I can't calm my wolf. He is going crazy due to pain. What should I do? "

Taehyung flinches. He hears footsteps. That person is running towards this room. 

Oh, shit!! I am screwed!!


The door opens. Taehyung stiffens as he sees the shadow of that person. He can understand that it's an alpha. 

AHH, god!! Why me?!! Taehyung panics as the guy comes closer. 

Huh!! Wait, it's--- Taehyung turns to that person. 

"Ahh---- TF!! You scared me. What are doing in the corner sitting like a ghost, "-he yells 

"j-jungkook  "-Taehyung's eyes lit up.

"Are you okay?" He said as he comes close to Taehyung

Jungkook kneeling down to Taehyung. 

Taehyung is surprised how his scent not affecting Jungkook. 

His body trembling, his breath catching and halting and winching in pain. He can see through Taehyung's shirt because he is showered with sweat. He never saw Taehyung with teary eyes before. Not only that, but he always thought of Taehyung being the strong omega.  

Jungkook thought he can tolerate Taehyung's scent, but now he is overwhelmed by his scent. Jungkook can understand his inner wolf's desperation. As Jungkook is fighting to control himself while Taehyung looking at him with doe eyes. He reaches out his hand to help Taehyung stand. Taehyung held his hand. Jungkook halts. His eyes colors changed. The glowing dark orange orbs looking at directly Taehyung soul.

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