39. Scared of losing you

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3rd POV...

He ran to the fountain in the garden. His body did not move as he stood there completely shaken. His breathing was heavy. Tears flowed from his eyes. All his efforts so far have failed today. He has ruined all the hard work he has done for so many days. At that time he felt a devil whisper into his ear saying 'do it'. 'Do what you want and just like that he lost himself in that. All this time he tried so hard to protect Jungkook and now because of his selfishness, he ruined everything.

"Taehyung!" Jimin said from a little distance as he was shocked to see Taehyung crying so much. Jimin rushed to him. Jimin cupped Taehyung's face as his heart is Breaking seeing Taehyung in this state.

"What happened?" Jimin asked worriedly.

"Jimin-ah I have done it. How much I want to make sure he was safe. How much I wanted to make sure so I never see him hurt again that's why I tried so hard but I failed" Taehyung said as tears kept falling heavily. Jimin was still confused.

"What would I do if he was in big danger for this big mistake of mine? Just because we danced a little what if he gets even more curses??" Taehyung said as he feels goosebumps all over his skin just by thinking. Jimin couldn't believe they danced. He hoped actually but he never thought Taehyung would feel this way.

"What if Jungkook gets in a big accident tonight?? Jimin... What should I do? How do I stop that?" Taehyung said as he covered his ears and closed his eyes. He can't seem to think of a way anymore. Taehyung feels helpless. Taehyung looks at Jimin with hopeful eyes.

"Why are you blaming Yourself? It's not your fault?" Jimin said as he couldn't bear to hear anymore.

"IT'S MY FAULT!!! ALL OF IT IS BECAUSE OF ME!!" Taehyung Shouted as he pull his hair harshly.

"I created all this mess by rejecting him. t-that time I Didn't even try to hear what he had to say and by r-rejecting, I hurt his ego. He had no other choice but to accept it. It's all my fault that the curse begins. We even danced. It's all my fault!" Taehyung kneel down and cried loudly.

"Please tell me what should I do? tell me that we won't end up together..please... I am willing to take all the curses on me but I want him to be safe Jimin-ah" Taehyung pleaded, teary yet beautiful eyes staring at him and Jimin had no answer to that. What was he going to say? Jimin is in a tight situation. how can he say 'no, you guys won't be together. That will gonna hurt him. Jimin did not say any word and instead, he hugged Taehyung really tight.

Jimin kneeled down and cupped Taehyung's face.

"Please don't blame yourself. A lot of people reject their mates. You are not the only one. You did a mistake and every human makes mistake. So please stop blaming yourself and trust me Everything will be okay" Jimin said softly as he sniffed. Pulled the crying male into his arm and tightly held him Against his body and cried with him.

Taehyung looked at him, tears rolling down his cheeks, trembling in fear.

"I am scared...I am s-so scared. If anything w-were to happen to him then i- "

"He is strong. He can save himself. Most importantly you will be there for him when he needs you, won't you? Everything will be fine just wait for the right time to come. This fucking curse will end. until then You need to be strong Taetae so Just cry as much as you want. Let out all of your pain" Jimin said softly as Taehyung's head rested on his chest. Taehyung couldn't help anymore and cry even more.
Little did they know there was another person who heard all of it.

Moments later Jimin meets up with others alone with Taehyung saying they both want to go home. Everyone agreed. They already knew something was up with Taehyung and Jungkook. No one shared a single look at each other as they both stood at a distance. Taehyung looked like he cried for a while and Jungkook look like deep in thoughts and on the verge of crying. His eyes were red because of tears. No one knows why those two were so sad.

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