Chapter Twenty Six.

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So, Y'all ready for things to shake up? Spam Me 💋

S3E6: Explaining The Past And Present {Part I}

Y/n Pov.

Y/n: "What?" I asked stunned.

Hailey: "I love you," She repeated confidently.

Y/n: "Oh?" I saw her frown at me and softly pushed me off her.

Hailey: "Oh?" She repeated and shook her head, "Great, I just embarrassed myself." She started wrapping the sheets around her body.

Y/n: "It isn't that," I grabbed her arm softly and pulled her back on the bed.

Hailey: "Then what is it? I thought we felt the same about each other but I misjudged the entire situation and made a fool of my-"

Y/n: "Hailey, I love you." I cut off her rambling making her gape at me.

Hailey: "...are you just saying it so I don't flip a switch?" I laughed and shook my head.

Y/n: "I'm not saying it for the sake of it," I reassured her and bit my bottom lip. "I was a little taken back because even though I knew we were falling in love with each other, saying it is a big deal...especially since you're the first person I've ever said that to," I admitted seeing her stare at me shocked.

Hailey: "What?" I chuckled nervously.

Y/n: "I mean, I've said it to friends and family but I've never said it to someone like that." I mumbled afraid of what she might say.

Hailey: "Was that the reason for the oh?" She teased understanding why I was acting is weird.

Y/n: "Haha, but I genuinely forgot what it was like to breathe and form a decent sentence," I muttered making her laugh.

Hailey: "I think it's okay if I tease you a little," I rolled my eyes and pecked her lips. "I meant what I said, I do love you...a lot." I smiled and kissed her.

Y/n: "I love you more," She smiled and pecked my nose. "So, since we still have some time on our hands..." She hummed and moved on top of me, making herself comfortable.

Hailey: "Round two?" I rolled us over and connected our lips.

Y/n: "Definitely."


I woke up the next morning and tried to stretch when I felt someones body on top of me. I looked down and saw Hailey sleeping peacefully, I smiled and kissed her head softly. I wrapped my arms around her making the girl shift and make herself more relaxed.

Hailey: "It's sweet that you didn't try to move me," I blinked twice and stared at her amused.

Y/n: "I thought you were asleep," She hummed with her eyes still closed.

Hailey: "I woke up a while ago but I was comfortable and you seemed to be having a good sleep so I took more advantage of the situation." I chuckled and rested my hands behind my head with my eyes closed.

Y/n: "I'm fine with that," She kissed my cheek and rolled off me. I opened one eye and saw her get comfortable and turn her back to me. "I was satisfied, you know," She let out a short laugh.

Hailey: "And so was I but I'm sure you need your space." I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her body closer to mines.

Y/n: "Nope," She giggled and kept her eyes closed with a smile on her face.

Hailey: "I could get used to mornings like this..." I hummed and kissed the back of her neck.

Y/n: "Really?" She nodded her head.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌. 𝐈. 𝐋. 𝐅 {𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐰𝐢𝐧/𝐘𝐨𝐮}Where stories live. Discover now