Chapter Ten.

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I have sooooo many plans!! Hehe 😬Also, 100 or more comments because it gives me more motivation, yk 🤷🏼‍♀️

S1E10: Jealously Burns, Mrs. Bieber 

Hailey's Pov.

Y/n: "I brought wine for the women, beer for the men, and...juice for the kids." We all looked at the door and saw Y/n walk in with bags.

Stormi: "Did you buy the whole store?" She joked.

Y/n: "Hahaha," She mocked throwing a packet of chips at Lucas.

Bella: "Juice for y'all?" She asked making them all stop and nod their heads.

Jeremy: "Yeah, juice is lit," They all groaned and shook their heads. "What?!" He asked making Amelia shove a packet of chips in his hands and huff.

Amelia: "Go lay out the food and drinks outside," He pouted and went outside with the boys helping.

Abel: "So, how many kids are coming to this pool party?" He asked sitting down next to Bella.

Xavier: "A few of our friends, thanks for letting us use the place, mom and dad." Kylie and Travis shrugged.

Kylie: "At least y'all asked," Y/n chuckled and took the alcohol from Freya.

Olivia: "Careful Y/n, Jeremy might just come for you." She teased making Freya groan.

Freya: "Mom! Can we not talk about that?!" Anastasia laughed and poured us some wine.

Y/n: "Don't worry Mrs. Culpo, Freya is very...shy." She teased making all the girls mumbled things under their breath.

Aria: "If only Y/n was shy..." Y/n gasped and grabbed the girl, picking her up in a playful manner. "You are! Now put me down or I'll bite you," She threatened.

Gigi: "...definitely my daughter," She laughed shaking her head.

Y/n: "I don't ask for the attention," She said handing out the beers to the guys. She sent me a wink and went back to helping the girls.

Aaliyah: "You don't have to. The girls at school chase you," Y/n shook her head and chuckled.

Y/n: "They just want me because I'm new," They all hummed.

Amelia: "And hot."

Stormi: "You have a nice car, sorry, cars."

Aria: "You play sports."

Aaliyah: "Damn, you got a nice jawline too."

Anastasia: "Look at all these muscles," She poked Y/n playfully making the girl shake her head.

Freya: "And let's not forget about the personality and the smile...such a heartbreaker," She patted Y/n's cheek and moved away from her.

Taylor: "Well then, Y/n, where have you been all of our lives?" She asked jokingly.

Y/n: "No one thought of me Mrs. Culpo, it's such a sad thing, truly." She sighed dramatically.

Stormi: "We're going to go change, don't try peeking in on us Y/n!" She laughed walking upstairs with the girls.

Y/n: "I wouldn't dream of it!" She chuckled putting everything away with us all looking at her.

Well, I knew why I was looking at her.

Vanessa: "Our kids love you more than they should," She mentioned seeing Y/n smile.

Y/n: "I love them too, they keep me sane on bad days," She shrugged looking at us. "Uhmm I can grill and stuff if you don't want to? I know you all just want to do your own thing," She offered looking at us.

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