Chapter Thirteen.

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Y'all really hate Justin 😬😂 100 comments? 😇

S2E3: Palm Springs {Part II}

Hailey's Pov.

Amelia: "Family? Who's family you going with?" He looked at her and sighed.

Justin: "You all are my family," I rolled my eyes.

Conner: "How did you even find out about this?" He inquired looking annoyed.

I saw Y/n awkwardly put her hands in her pockets and walk into the next room. Everyone else soon followed her lead and moved to the hall so we could all talk in the kitchen. I could see Y/n look at me and smile sadly before focusing on what Aria was showing her on the phone.

Justin: "The school phoned me to make sure it was a real thing and my kids weren't phoning as a prank to get away from school." He then looked at me and crossed his arms, "Why didn't you tell me about this?" I decided to act civil since our kids were around.

Hailey: "Because it wasn't your concern. I've been trying to call and stopped after the third day. They were going to be with me anyway, so I wasn't worried that much," I shrugged.

Justin: "Don't you think it's a bit extra? What was wrong with going tomorrow? They need to go to school," I hummed.

Since when did he care? He was never around.

Conner: "That's a joke right!" He raised his voice.

Hailey: "Conner," I warned knowing how this would end. 

Amelia: "Con, just leave it," She mumbled trying to calm him down.

Conner: "NO! I will not. You aren't even around so how would you know anything that's happening?! The reason why they're doing this is that we've been busting our asses and needed a break. But then again, you wouldn't know anything about your kids working hard because you're too busy 'working', dad!" He spat.

Justin: "And what is that supposed to mean?" He asked challenging him.

Conner: "Oh, you don't think we know about all your work trips and that fact that you're-"

Y/n: "Okay," She pushed him back gently when he started getting dangerously close to Justin. "Come on, let's just take the bags to the car." He looked back at her, his eyes holding anger in them.

Amelia: "Conner, please," She begged looking at her brother. Y/n gently placed her hands on his shoulders and squeezed them.

Hailey: "Conner, listen to your sister and Y/n, for me?" He immediately relaxed and walked to the bags, grabbing his.

Conner: "You're lucky they saved you." He shoved Justin back and walked out the door. Everyone soon left making Amelia grab her bags with Y/n's help.

Y/n: "I'll take your bags, Mrs. Bieber." She gave me a reassuring smile and grabbed my bags leaving me alone with Justin.

Justin: "This was a bad idea. How can you allow our kids to go on a vacation when school is still on? What are you trying to teach them?!" I felt my blood boil.

Hailey: "Are you questioning my parenting skills?" I asked in disbelief. 

Justin: "Well, you did-"

Hailey: "Let me stop you right there!" I held my hand up, "You have no right to question my parenting skills especially since I'm the only one who parents them. You're out fucking all your whores while I stay at home and look after my kids. They're not yours because they're nothing like you and I will make sure they are nothing like you. I allowed this trip because school has been hard and they have been putting in extra hours and even took part-time jobs. So don't question my kids and never question my parenting skills because I'm there. I'm always there." I stood right in front of him.

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