Chapter Nineteen.

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I'm excited about what's going to come 👀

S2E9: Back Home. 

Y/n Pov.

Y/n: "I got all the bags loaded up, anything else we need to do?" I asked closing the trunk of the car.

Dom: "I think we're good. We took the cars and filled them up so we're good to go," I nodded and saw Amelia walk out with her mother.

After what Landan said, Hailey wasn't very pleased which meant she didn't talk to me from last night. But at least she allowed me to sleep there so I take that as progress. Hailey gave me a look and got in the car, shutting the door before I could say anything.

Conner: "Okay then," He shook his head at his mother's behavior.

Amelia: "She's probably pissed that her husband is still here," I hummed and moved my head to the side trying to crack it.

I forgot Justin was still here.

Maybe cause you were too busy fucking his wife.

Huh, maybe.

Y/n: "We should get going before we get stuck in LA traffic." Everyone agreed and got in their cars, starting their engines. 

I slid in my car and started the engine waiting for Dom to go first. I looked over at the blonde who was invested in her phone, typing frantically on her keyboard. I sighed and followed Dom with the others following behind me.

Y/n: "You know, talking would make this drive a lot easier," She looked at me and huffed going back on her phone.

Why do I always seem to attract stubborn women in my life?

Y/n: "Hailey, I had nothing to do with Landan setting me up on a date. You know I'm only interested in yo-"

Hailey: "Then why do they always want to set you up on a date?! And why do I always feel like I'm going to lose you to someone else?!" She yelled catching me off guard.

Y/n: "Hailey..." I spoke looking at her for a brief moment. I saw the frown plastered on her face and sighed taking her hands in mine, "You aren't going to lose me to anyone." She adjusted herself in her seat so she was facing me completely.

Hailey: "Why do they always want to set you up with someone?" I chuckled at her question. "I'm not laughing," I stopped and bit my tongue.

Y/n: "Hails, I'm the only one in the group who isn't vibing with someone, and even when girls show interest in me, I shut them down. Everyone in our group of friends has someone and they probably feel bad so they try to set me up on dates so I don't feel so lonely. They're only trying to be good friends, I guess." I shrugged feeling her grasp on my hand tighten.

Hailey: "Can't you just tell them you're not interested in dating right now?" I cackled.

Y/n: "I already did because I wanted to avoid any problems like this with you. They're persistent so I just let them do whatever they want to but I do decline on date offers and come up with excuses to get out of them." I explained trying to make her feel less insecure about the situation.

Hailey: "Really?" I looked over at her and smiled softly.

Y/n: "Yes, really," I focused my eyes back on the road as silence followed in the car. I could tell that the gears in her head were turning and I knew about what. "Hailey, I know what happened with Ana is still playing on your mind," She cleared her throat.

Hailey: "It isn't, you explained and I'm fine-"

Y/n: "You aren't fine." I sighed tracing small circles on her hand with my thumb," I did want to tell you, trust me. I have no idea why I didn't tell you straight away and I have no excuse for that but believe me when I say that I had no intention of kissing all. Everything just happened so quickly and I know what happened hurt you. But I just want you to know that I will never hurt you deliberately. I like you, I like you a lot and-"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌. 𝐈. 𝐋. 𝐅 {𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐰𝐢𝐧/𝐘𝐨𝐮}Where stories live. Discover now