Chapter Twenty Two.

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I've been feeling kinda unmotivated these days so I'm gonna need some motivation! 100 comments or more for double updates!! ✌

S3E2: The Explaination.

Y/n Pov.

Mia: "What?" I swallowed dryly.

Y/n: "Its Hailey. I'm dating Hailey." I answered again seeing them all stare at me speechless.

Brian: "How did you manage to get a milf?" He asked making me snicker.

Y/n: "It just happened," I admitted thinking back. "I know it's not something you hear about every day but I didn't plan for it to happen. Hailey had my attention, the way she smiled, laughed, the way she carried herself and conducted things took me by surprise. She invaded my heart and my head without even trying," I smiled looking at them.

Dom: "Are you serious?" I sighed and stood up.

Y/n: "I wouldn't lie about this. I know there's a lot of factors y'all are thinking about but she's it." I expressed, "I know what our family is like, I know what our life is like and I know that I have to be with someone who will understand it and accept me for who I am and she does that." I watched everyone nod and take in the information.

Gisele: "When did all of this happened?" I sat back down.

Y/n: "It happened on my first day of school, you guys were out of town because you had to get some parts for the shops and Lia borrowed my eyephones so I went to go pick it up and they werent there so it was just Hailey and me. One thing lead to another and we kissed, I didn't intend on it and she didn't either so it was unexpected in a way." I explained with a small chuckle at the end.

It was still pretty good.

Han: "Anyone else know about the two of you?" He asked tossing a chip in his mouth.

Y/n: "Bella knows about us but then again, she found out in a very...interesting way." I bit back my smile.

Mia: "Ew."

Roman: "Nice," He chuckled fist bumping me, "Listen, it's not perfect and it is a lot to take in but our life isn't very normal either and she looks like she makes you happy so if you are, I am." He smiled.

Dom: "Do her kids know?" I shook my head.

Y/n: "They don't but I also wanted to talk to y'all before telling anyone else. I planned on telling you in better circumstances but everything happens for a reason," I shrugged looking at everyone.

Mia: "Are you happy?" She asked watching me.

Y/n: "Mia, ever since I came here, have you ever seen me down? Or unhappy?" I asked making her nod, "I'm happy and she makes me happy." I answered with a smile, "And I'd love it if you guys said something because I feel like I'm going to pass out again." I said jokingly but I was dead serious.

If I pass out this time, I might just stay like that to avoid any awkwardness.

Tej: "All I'm tryna figure out is how you gotta  girl like that, damn!" I cracked up when he gave me a look and smiled, "I'm with Rom on this, be happy kid. You deserve it." I nodded and glanced at everyone else.

Mia: "I think I can say on everyone's behalf that its going to take a while for us to process this but we want you to be happy." She spoke with a sigh leaving her lips, "I don't want you to get hurt." I got up and walked over to her, hugging her tightly.

Y/n: "I won't, I know it." I mumbled feeling her hug me back.

Mia: "Also, I hope you're being safe." I pulled back and groaned.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌. 𝐈. 𝐋. 𝐅 {𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐰𝐢𝐧/𝐘𝐨𝐮}Where stories live. Discover now