Chapter Twenty.

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It Feels Good To Be Back 😙. Y'all Know What To Do With The Comments 🌻

S2E10: This Changes Everything. 

Y/n Pov.

Mia: "What's going on with you?" I looked up and saw my sister staring at me with curious eyes. She poured me some more coffee and sat next to me.

Y/n: "Nothing, why?" I mumbled playing around with the food on my plate.

Mia: "Well, you're playing with your food and you look like you're thinking hard. Is there something that's worrying you?" She asked going into sister/mom mode.

Dom: "What's worrying my little sister?" He came downstairs and joined our conversation. 

Y/n: "It's nothing," I mumbled for the second time. They both exchanged looks with each other and looked back at me.

"Talk," I sighed knowing they wouldn't let this go.

Should I tell them? Well, maybe I should just leave out some details.

Y/n: "I need to tell y'all something but I can't get into it and by that, I mean I can't tell you everything." They both nodded, looking hesitant. "I'm...I'm seeing someone." Their eyes widened.

Mia: "What? Really?" She asked shocked.

Y/n: "Yeah, I am. And things are getting serious but there's just a lot of complications," I voiced out drinking my coffee.

Dom: "Every relationship has those and I'm sure things will work out for you and her. But is that really what's bothering you?" I bit my lip nervously.

Y/n: "I have a bad feeling, a really bad feeling about this one and I don't know what to say or how to explain it to her. I told her some things but not everything." I rubbed my forehead and sighed. "How do I promise her I'll be back when I don't even know that myself?" The silence that soon followed was deadly and I knew they didn't know how to answer my question.

Mia: "The sad thing about what we do is that there isn't a grantee of us coming back and the people who we're with understand that. I'm sure the girl who you're with doesn't know much or understand what you're in, right?" She asked.

Y/n: "She doesn't and I don't want to break her heart one day when I don't come back." Dom sat down next to me and patted my shoulders.

Dom: "You like this girl?" I nodded instantly.

Y/n: "I do. I think I'm falling in love with her if I'm being honest," They both smiled at me.

Mia: "And nothing is wrong with that. Y/n, we always told you that we want nothing more for you but to have a normal life, and falling in love is a part of it. And if you're feeling this way and if you can trust her, I'm talking about the ride or die kind of trust, Y/n." She said almost warningly.

Y/n: "Of course I do! I wouldn't have brought it up before if I didn't," They hummed.

Mia: "Then when we come back and if you want to. You should sit her down and tell her everything," I gulped.

Y/n: "I'm scared that if I do, things will change. I don't want things to change...I don't want to lose her." They both hugged me comfortingly.

Dom: "We know but this is something we cant promise will go well. But I will tell you this, if she's your girl, she can deal with anything." I chuckled and hugged them back.

Mia: "Just think about it, but as of right now, finish eating. We have to leave soon," I nodded and started eating.

Once I finished eating, I loaded my bags in my car and decided on walking to Hailey's house to bid them goodbye. I walked up to the front door and knocked making Amelia open the door, I smiled and chuckled when she hugged me tightly.

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