Chapter Twenty One.

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Things are going to get adventurous... ☠ 100 comments?

S3E1: How Do We Explain This.

Y/n Pov.

Y/n: "We have to leave," I said looking at everyone.

Dom: "What? Why?" He asked making me move away from the crate.

Y/n: "See for yourself," He moved to where I was standing previously and caught a glimpse of what I saw. Dom looked back at me and shook his head.

Dom: "Hobbs, we can't do this...too much is at risk here." He explained to Hobbs who was confused.

Hobbs: "What? We can't let this deal go through. He has millions of dollars worth of cocaine in those vans if we let him go, we're fucked." He said in a hushed whisper. By now, everyone caught a glimpse of who the dealer was and they all agreed with me.

Mia: "We know but this is will expose us and a lot of other people as well. It's a dangerous game to play right now, Hobbs." He looked at me and sighed.

Hobbs: "Are you sure about this?" I huffed.

Y/n: "Do you really think I'd let that much cocaine go free if I wasn't?" He nodded and contacted his crew to fall back. We left the warehouse without anyone finding and disposed of the men who we took out.

They knew too much and Hobbs said he would handle that.

The drive back to our safe house was silent, I didn't know what to say or how to even process this. I knew he was dirty but this dirty? 

How could he live two lives like that so easily and without a care in the world?

I parked my car and got out with Mia, walking straight into the warehouse. We took out our equipment making me take my folder again and throw it on the table when everyone sat down.

Y/n: "We are fucked and we have the biggest problem to face yet." I said looking at them.

Hobbs: "Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?!" He asked looking angry. 

I couldn't blame him.

Brian: "We know him..." He answered looking shocked like everyone else, we were all still trying to process what we learned. 

Hobbs: "You know him? How do you know him?" He asked sitting up in his chair.

Y/n: "I'm friends with his kids, we know his friends, his kids...his wife." I gripped the end of my chair tighter and clenched my jaw. "We know almost everything about him, Hobbs. He is supposed to be running a record label and businesses in Canada, not making drug deals and putting his family in danger!" Everyone flinched at the tone in my voice.

Tej: "The kid is right, we couldn't go in there, guns blazing when we know what could happen." He admitted.

Hobbs: "Especially since it's personal," He sighed finally understanding why we pulled out. "What do you know so far?" He asked.

Gisele: "Ask Y/n that, she spends the most time with them..." Everyone's attention was now on me.

Y/n: "Justin Drew Bieber, age forty-two.." I said typing into the computer making it project a picture of him and his information, "Married to Hailey Rhode Baldwin who is now known as Hailey Rhode Bieber-" I cut myself off and saw a picture of her come up.

God, how was I going to do this?

Brian: "Are you okay?" He asked sensing my discomfort.

Y/n: "I'm fine," I mumbled clearing my throat," She is thirty-eight and has two kids, Conner and Amelia Bieber, both are  seventeen." I said pulling up pictures of them.

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