Chapter Three

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The more comments...the happier it makes me write guys and I'm back for sure now. It's just been crazy over on my side...sooo comments?  👀

S1E3: La Familia 

Hailey Pov.

Bella: "So, how are you surviving at your house with Y/n?" I furrowed my eyebrows as we drove back to my place.

Hailey: "What are you talking about?" I asked keeping my eyes on the road.

Bella: "Come on Hails, it's been a week and Y/n spent almost every day there." I shrugged.

Hailey: "So what? Conner and Amelia like her and she's sweet-"

Bella: "And hot and also has a thing for you," I rolled my eyes.

Hailey: "There is no way in hell that somebody so young has a thing for me." Bella laughed and shook her head.

Bella: "Oh Hails, you're still so clueless. It melts my heart," I pouted and pulled up to my driveway.

Hailey: "I'm serious Bells, Y/n is just a flirt. That's it." We both got out of the car. I walked to my front door to open it when I found it was locked. I sighed and looked in my bag for keys, "Shit! I think I forgot my keys." I muttered looking up to see Bella gone, "Bella?!" I called out.

Bella: "Back here!" I followed her voice and found her in the backyard watching Y/n and Conner play basketball. "...look at her. So beautiful." I looked at her and shook my head.

Hailey: "You're married," I reminded hearing her groan and follow me.

Bella: "I know, but she makes me want to break all my vows," I laughed seeing Conner and Y/n playing. 

I stood on the sidelines of the basketball court we had and watched Y/n carefully. She wore basketball shorts with a white T-shirt that stuck to her body because of the sweat, which was completely fine with me. I bit my lip watching how incredibly attractive she looked right now.

Bella: "Yeah, totally not eye-fucking her." She scoffed nudging my side. I stumbled forward and lost my balance.

I waited for the impact only to be caught by someone. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Y/n looking down at me with a small smile. I opened my mouth to try and form a sentence but failed miserably and stayed quiet.

Conner: "Mom, are you okay?" He asked walking up to us. 

Y/n slowly helped me stand up properly and kept her hands on my waist until I could stand up straight. She sent me a small wink and let go letting my mind calm down from its sudden rush of...well, her.

Hailey: "I'm fine, your aunt is an idiot is all." I glared at Bella and saw her wink at me.

Y/n: "Hey Mrs. Tesfaye, Mrs. Bieber," She greeted letting her eyes linger on me longer than Bella.

Bella: "Y/n, Conner, the two of you look like you're having fun." They both exchanged looks and shook their heads with smiles.

Conner: "Yeah, although Y/n is kicking my ass at basketball." I looked at her shocked.

Hailey: "Really? That's new," Y/n laughed.

Y/n: "Yeah, my brother and I play now and then so I guess I'm okay," She shrugged.

Conner: "I still think you should try out for the team. We could use someone like you," He said throwing a towel at her. She caught it with ease and wiped her face.

Y/n: "I'll think about it," She said sighing.

Hailey: "Why don't the two of you come inside and get something to drink? Today is hot." They both nodded and followed me and Bella inside.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌. 𝐈. 𝐋. 𝐅 {𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐰𝐢𝐧/𝐘𝐨𝐮}Where stories live. Discover now