Chapter Five.

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I hope y'all ready....comment, comment!!!! 😬

S1E5: Oh, Mrs. Bieber...

Y/n Pov.

Roman: "Get your ass up, kid! You got school." I groaned and rolled over, putting the pillow over my head. 

Y/n: "Nooo," I felt the pillow being removed and moved my head to see Gisele standing there with a smile. "Oh wow, is this what Han wakes up to every morning?" She rolled her eyes at me with a playful smile.

Gisele: "Get up, you can't be late on your first day," I sighed and rolled over, rubbing my eyes of all its sleepiness.

Y/n: "Yes Ma'am." I teased seeing her walk out of the room.

I sighed and grabbed my phone to see a text from Conner and chuckled.

Conner B⚡

Who the fuck gave them the right to make us go back to school on a FRIDAY?! 😐


No idea bro, you need a ride today?

Conner B⚡

Well, if you're offering...😇


Sure thing. pick you up at...I don't know what time, what time does school start again? 😂

Conner B⚡

You have much to learn Y/n, it starts at half eight 😒


Cool, I'll swing by at eight?

Conner B⚡

Okay, see you in a few

I read the text and sighed putting my phone on charge before getting up and doing my morning routine. I got out of the shower and changed into this 👇  before making my way downstairs to see that Mia made breakfast for me.

 I got out of the shower and changed into this 👇  before making my way downstairs to see that Mia made breakfast for me

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Y/n: "How sweet..." I teased taking a seat on the stool and smiled at her.

Mia: "You act as if I never did this for you before." I chuckled and took a bite of my bacon.

Y/n: "Eh, you've been moody with me these days." She gave me a look and sighed.

Mia: "I'm just worried about you, you've been homeschooled from 7th grade," She said sounding like my mother.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌. 𝐈. 𝐋. 𝐅 {𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐰𝐢𝐧/𝐘𝐨𝐮}Where stories live. Discover now