Chapter Twenty Four.

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I'm going to give you some kind of happiness before things get real 💀. Spam Me? 👀

S3E4: The Little Gateway. 

Y/n Pov.

Roman: "So, you taking your girl on a holiday?" He asked leaning against the door frame. 

Y/n: "I am," I confirmed zipping my bag up. 

Roman: "Did you tell her about the Justin situation?" He questioned.

Y/n: "I wanted to but with everything that happened already, I figured she deserved a small break before hitting her with an even bigger problem. I don't even know how I should bring this up to her," I admitted thinking about how I would tell her.

Roman: "Yeah, you're right. It is a lot to process but don't keep it from her for too long because it might cause some problems." I smiled and grabbed my bags.

Y/n: "Thank you, Rom, I appreciate you checking in on me." He shrugged and hugged me.

Roman: "I got you kid, just try to enjoy yourself, okay?" I nodded and walk downstairs with him.

Gisele: "Leaving already?" She asked drinking her coffee.

Y/n: "I am, I have a relaxing weekend planned with my girl so I'm taking it." I grabbed my keys and other belongings.

Dom: "That's good, just be safe, and if something happens-"

Y/n: "You will be the first call. Don't worry so much, okay?" I chuckled hugging them. "I'll call you when I get there," I said before shutting the door.

I loaded up my car and drove over to Hailey's house to see the front door open and Conner walking out with some bags. I furrowed my eyebrows and parked behind Hailey's car.

Y/n: "Hey," I greeted getting out of my car.

Conner: "Hey," He greeted doing our handshake.

Y/n: "What's with the bags?" He looked behind him and smiled.

Conner: "Since you and my mom are going away, Lia and I are using this opportunity to spend some time with our significant others," I chuckled listening to him. "Ana and I are staying at this place she found and Lia is going to be here with Jeremy." I hummed.

Y/n: "Sounds like a good plan, do you have, you know, protection?" I questioned.

Conner: "I was going to ask you if you had," I inhaled suddenly feeling awkward, "I suddenly feel very awkward but adults do that so..." I chuckled.

Y/n: "I get it, come on," I opened my trunk and grabbed a small bag I always had in my car, "I carry this because if you know Roman, you know every car should have this." He laughed and took a few.

Conner: "Thanks and enjoy the weekend with my mom. She needs some relaxation," I nodded and closed my trunk.

Y/n: "I'm really sorry for how everything happened," I said since we were alone. " I didn't intend on all of this happened and I didn't want to be your friend just so I could get close to your mom, it wasn't anything like that!" I defended seeing him smile at me.

Conner: "Y/n, I know you. You don't have to explain to me or Lia because we get it. Like we said before, it is going to take time for us to get used to it but you make our mother happy," He leaned against his mother's car. "I haven't seen her this happy in a very long time, I don't remember seeing her smile so much." I blushed.

Y/n: "Really?" He nodded.

Conner: "Really. Ever since you came into the picture she was a lot happier and I wondered why and I thought because she had more people to speak to and your family has always been so welcoming so I pushed the thought away and settled on that answer and now that I know, I understand it a lot better. I just want her to be happy and my dad hasn't been doing that," I nodded listening to him. "You want to know how I know you're a good person?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

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