Chapter Twenty Three.

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Hey guys! How are you? I hope you're all doing well! 🥰

I just wanted to address some things before starting this chapter. I understand I haven't been as active as I usually am but I'm going through a lot mentally and physically. I understand you all wait for chapters and I did promise to give you them on a specific date but life doesn't go to plan and things do come up.

Taking time to heal yourself is good. Taking time to unwind is good. I cant sit in front of a laptop all the time and sometimes I need a break. I hope you understand this and if you feel like I'm forcing you to vote and comment, please understand that I don't mean any harm or anything in it. I just like having feedback and having comments to go off on helps a lot. 

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy your day/evening 🥰.


S3E3: Letting It Skin In. 

Hailey's Pov.

Bella: "Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked looking between Y/n and I, "This is a lot and you both look like you're going through enough." I sighed shakily and nodded.

Hailey: "I know that if I put it off again, I'm going to chicken out and it needs to be done." I said making Bella nod and look at Y/n.

Bella: "How do you feel about this?" Y/n sighed.

Y/n: "This isn't the way I wanted to tell people but it needs to be done, Bella. A lot is going on right now but I'm trying to handle one situation at a time." Bella nodded and handed us both bottles of water.

Bella: "Drink this, we will all be waiting in the living room." She mumbled leaving Y/n and me alone for the first time today.

Hailey: "How are you feeling?" I asked looking at her, "I know how the gears in your head must be turning." She rubbed her temples and exhaled.

Y/n: "Honestly, a lot is happening and I know it needs to happen but I'm also terrified for the outcome of everything. Conner and Amelia are okay with the idea of us but there's a lot to process and this is also going to be a lot to process. I'm worried, I feel anxious but I am holding onto the part of me that is saying it's going to be rough but you'll get through it." She admitted playing with the label on her water bottle. "How are you feeling?" She looked up at me.

Hailey: "I'm feeling everything you are, I mean, I wanted to tell everyone but I was hoping it would be under better circumstances." I mumbled hearing them all talking in the living room, "It is going to be okay, I know it will. We just have to hold on to that tiny piece of hope okay?" I questioned taking her hand in mine, "It will be okay." I leaned forward and kissed her head.

Y/n: "It will be okay, we will be okay." She mumbled looking at me, "You ease my nerves...every single bit of them." I smiled at her.

Hailey: "You do too, now let's go and do this." She stood up and walked into the living room with me.

Jesus, was our group always this big?

Olivia: "Hey Blondy, what's the big news Bella said you had to tell us?" She asked seeing me.

Hailey: "Before I start..." I looked at everyone in the room who was silently questioning why Y/n was standing by my side. "I want you all to listen and keep an open mind, please? I know it will be a lot but I need you to do it for me. Please?" I begged seeing them nod.

Kendall: "I have a feeling I already know but humor me." She smirked at me.

Vanessa: "...this is going to be interesting." She drank her coke and sat back in her seat.

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