Chapter Fifteen.

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Y/n's Ass Is Going To Get Beat The Fuck Up 💀💀 100 comments? 🤩

S2E5: Palm Springs {Part IV}

Hailey's Pov.

Bella: "Damn, get it, girl!" She laughed cheering her niece on.

I watched both of them and saw Y/n pull away with a look of shock mixed with fear on her face. I saw her move her head and look at me with pleading eyes, telling me not to overreact but I didn't fucking care right now.

Conner: "What the fuck?" I looked at Conner who seemed pissed but also upset over what he just saw.

Guess that makes both of us.

Jeremy: "Uhmm...." Anastasia quickly got out of the pool with Y/n following. She grabbed a towel and dried herself making me glare at her. Anastasia ran after Conner while Y/n watched my movements.

Hailey: "I forgot my phone in my room, I'll be back." I excused myself from my friends and went to my room, giving Y/n a look on the way there.

She gulped but nodded, talking to Stormi. I walked to my room and walked inside leaving the door open. I ran my fingers through my hair and heard the door close, I turned around and saw Y/n standing there. She locked the door and took a few steps towards me.

Y/n: "Okay, before you kill me, I just-" I slapped her arms making her flinch. "OW! Hailey!" She said trying to get me to stop.

Hailey: "You fucking go missing for an entire night and come back from God knows where! You tell me nothing! You flirt with Anastasia and then you kiss her! You're such a fucking liar just like everyone else in my life!" I continued to hit her angrily.

Y/n: "Hailey!" She tried stopping my hand making me hit her twice as harder on her back, "Hailey..." She caught both my hands in hers and frowned, "Calm down..." I frowned.

Hailey: "I hate you," I mumbled seeing her frown deepen. "You're exactly like everyone else!" I shouted not caring if anyone heard me.

Y/n: "I'm not! "She defended herself, "Look, I just-" She sighed and pulled me closer to her. I pushed her away from me.

Hailey: "Don't touch me." She sighed and ignored my words, pulling me back into her hold. I tried fighting her off making her grip tighten on me.

Y/n: "Stop fighting me and listen..." She mumbled making me look at her, trying not to show how hurt I was.

Hailey: "Why did you kiss her? Why were you so close to her all of a sudden? You told me nothing was going on, Y/n." She bit her lip.

Y/n: "I was supposed to tell you what happened yesterday but something came up with the shop and we had to leave. I wouldn't leave you hanging like that if it wasn't important." She explained lowly, "Just calm down and let me explain myself." I pulled away from her and walked to the other side of the room.

Hailey: "You have five minutes, talk before I leave." I crossed my arms over my chest.

Y/n: "Look, Conner and Ana have been going through some weird thing between the two of them, and Conner lied saying he didn't feel anything for Ana when he does. So the girls all came up with a plan to make him jealous by using me." She explained, "I agreed because she begged me too and it didn't include us kissing or doing anything besides maybe some hand-holding and flirting, but that was it." I shook my head.

Hailey: "So why did you kiss her?" She sighed.

Y/n: "It wasn't supposed to happen like that. Aria told us that from the angle Conner was standing, it would look like I was kissing Anastasia if all I did was kiss her cheek. And when I leaned in to kiss her cheek, Scott called us which made us look at him and when I moved back to kissing her cheek, she didn't turn her head which made our lips...collide." She took a step towards me, "None of us kissed back because we were both shocked! It wasn't supposed to go down like that, Hailey." She insisted.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌. 𝐈. 𝐋. 𝐅 {𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐰𝐢𝐧/𝐘𝐨𝐮}Where stories live. Discover now