Chapter Twenty Five.

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All I'm saying is thank you for defending me and supporting me! I love each of you immensely! 🥰

S3E5: The Little Gateway {Part II}

Y/n Pov.

Conner: "Dude, I love today." I laughed sitting outside with my beer.

Y/n: "I hope Ana gave you what you were waiting for," I teased hearing him laugh.

Conner: "No, but she's been so clingy and affectionate, I love it." I chuckled listening to him, "She's downstairs making me some food. I didn't even ask, she kissed me and said she is going downstairs to make me some food. I think I found the one," I snorted.

Y/n: "I'm glad you're happy. I just got off the phone with your sister before you called," I admitted admiring the ocean view while Hailey was on a phone call with Bella.

Conner: "Yeah, she phoned me earlier, she and Jeremy seem to be enjoying themselves," I laughed hearing his disgusted voice.

Y/n: "Leave her alone, I'm sure she needs a break just like you." He hummed in response.

Conner: "Yeah, yeah, it's just weird because I don't want to know about my sister's sex life," He said.

Y/n: "No one wants to know about that but you two are close and have always been close so it comes with the territory of being close." I saw Hailey come downstairs and smile at me before walking into the kitchen.

Conner: "You're right. How is everyone on your side?" I sighed.

Y/n: "They're doing alright, everyone is taking their time dealing with everything that's happening." I said finishing off my beer.

Conner: "I guess so, but I shall love and leave you. Ana is calling me and I'm sure you have your own plans today so enjoy." I smiled.

Y/n: "Bye C," He said bye and cut the call making me slip my phone into my pocket and walk into the kitchen.

I saw Hailey pouring herself something to drink and smiled moving behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her head softly.

Y/n: "Hey there sunshine," She giggled and turned around to peck my lips.

Hailey: "Hey baby," She turned around in my hold and sat up on the counter, and gazed at me. "So when are we supposed to get ready for our date?" She asked excitedly.

Y/n: "In..." I looked down at my watch and sighed, "Now actually. I have no idea how time flew so fast," She finished her drink and wrapped her arms around my neck.

Hailey: "You didn't have to plan anything out for me," She mumbled playing with my hair.

Y/n: "I know but I wanted to. It's been rough for the both of us and making you happy makes me happy so..." I shrugged seeing her smile at me.

Hailey: "What should I wear?" I hummed thinking.

Y/n: "Nothing," She laughed and pinched my sides.

Hailey: "I'm serious!" I chuckled and kissed her cheek.

Y/n: "Wear whatever you want to wear. It's dinner, nothing big, nothing fancy. It's just us so you can go in sweats and it'll be okay." She shook her head at me.

Hailey: "Okay, let's go get ready." She took my hand and dragged me into our room.

We both showered and got ready, I was ready first. I changed into this 👇 and left the room giving her some space to get ready. I went downstairs and turned the tv watching a random cooking show while waiting for her.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌. 𝐈. 𝐋. 𝐅 {𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐰𝐢𝐧/𝐘𝐨𝐮}Where stories live. Discover now