Chapter Fourteeen.

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I'm Really Trying To Give Them A Drama Free-Just Read 💀💀 100 comments? 🌹

S2E4: Palm Springs {Part III}

Hailey's Pov.

Hailey: "Have you seen Y/n? I'm looking for my charger and I think she borrowed it." I lied looking at Stormi and Amelia who were sitting outside.

Stormi: "Oh, she should be in the kitchen. She said that she's making us some drinks or something," I smiled.

Hailey: "Thanks girls," I left them and walked to the kitchen to see her standing behind the counter making drinks.

She wore baby blue swimming trunks, a white T-shirt, and had her usual smile plastered on her face. I saw that no one was in the kitchen and smacked the back of her head.

Y/n: "Ow!" She rubbed her head looking at me, "What did I do now?" She put the glass down.

Hailey: "Oh, you deserve it!" I glared at her.

Y/n: "For what?" She asked confused.

Hailey: "What the hell were you doing to be all cuddly with Anastasia?!" Her face fell telling me all I needed to know.

She was hiding something.

Y/n: "I needed to talk to you about that..." She mumbled biting her bottom lip nervously, "I-"

Roman: "I'm sorry to interrupt y'all," He huffed coming into the kitchen. "But Y/n, we need to talk." I looked back at Y/n who sighed.

Y/n: "Rom, can we talk later? I'm-"

Roman: "Hobbs is calling us," I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion seeing her tense up. 

Y/n: "Okay, I'm coming." He ran back to wherever he came from making Y/n huff and run her fingers through her hair.

Hailey: "Who's Hobbs?" She looked at me.

Y/n: "Listen, I know I have to tell you about Anastasia but I really need to take this call." She looked around before leaning down to peck my lips, "I promise that I will explain what's happening to you, okay? Just trust me, beautiful." I sighed seeing her Y/e/c eyes bore into mines.

Hailey: "Fine, but I want an explanation," She nodded and smiled before running off into the same direction as Roman.

I sighed taking the drinks out to the others who were already changed into their bathing suits and chilling by the pool. I gave them their drinks making them smile and thank me.

Jeremy: "Where's Y/n?" He asked confused.

Hailey: "Oh, she had a phone call, she'll be back any minute." I smiled making Amelia take my hand and pull me down to sit by her, "Can I help you?" I asked amused.

Amelia: "Not really, we just wanted to check how you were doing?" I shrugged.

Lucas: "You know, I could ask one of my moms to make him disappear." I laughed.

Hailey: "Thank you, but that won't be necessary, yet." I sighed, "We just have to bear this weekend with him and see what happens after." They all nodded.

Aria: "My parents aren't so fond of him being here," I hummed.

Hailey: "None of us are, sweetie. But we can't let him ruin our weekend here." I smiled making them all look up and frown.

Conner: "Don't freak out, but a sad excuse for a husband and father is on his way here," I widened my eyes.

Aaliyah: "Oh my God, Hails, I think I got my period!" Everyone looked at her shocked and confused when she sighed. "Thank God," I looked behind me and saw him walk back inside the house.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌. 𝐈. 𝐋. 𝐅 {𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐰𝐢𝐧/𝐘𝐨𝐮}Where stories live. Discover now