Chapter Nine.

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I would've published it sooner but my WiFi is sooo bad 😤. Also 100+ comments 😉

S1E9: Keeping It On The DL

Hailey's Pov.

Bella: "So, what have you been up to?" She asked once we sat down at a restaurant for dinner.

Kendall: "Yeah, you've been MIA recently," She mumbled.

I blame Y/n.

Hailey: "You know how the kids are, also I've been helping Mia and them with the shop," They all nodded.

Kylie: "The place looks really good though, I knew they were into cars but damn, I haven't seen a place that busy, ever." I hummed.

Vanessa: "It's probably because they're all hot," She laughed.

Olivia: "I can agree on that one. It's all about the face of the business that brings in customers sometimes." The waiter came to our table and took our orders before disappearing again. 

Gigi: "By the way, how's Y/n?" She asked looking at me. I adjusted my navy blue dress that stopped just before my knees and shrugged.

Hailey: "She's good, the kids love her," They all smirked.

Taylor: "I'm sure you do as well," I rolled my eyes and smiled.

Bella: "Look at that smile! My God, Hailey, is she getting inside your head?" I bit my lip and sighed.

Hailey: "It's not that," I said shaking my head.

Lies, it's that. She could get in anywhere she wants.

Kendall: "Then what is it?" We all thanked the waiter when he came to give us our drinks.

Hailey: "She's a sweet girl, very charming and yes, she is good looking-"

Gigi: "That's good. Jump her bones then," I laughed with everyone else and shook my head.

Olivia: "Seriously Hails, why don't you? She's eighteen and she looks like she knows what she's doing," She smirked.

Taylor:" And she has a dick, she's made for you." I shook my head and laughed.

Hailey: "It isn't that easy. I am married," They all rolled their eyes.

Kylie: "I've seen toddlers who are more committed than Justin. Remind us why you're still married to him?" I sighed.

Hailey: "It was for the kids until they encouraged me to do it but I can't, he talks me out of it all the time and as much I want to. It's also upsetting to me, it's my marriage and it didn't work out. Divorce was something I never wanted because I see how it affects kids," I stressed out.

Gigi: "We get that part but it's also about your happiness, Hailey. Justin works more than anything and he doesn't care about you or the kids and everyone can see that, even them." I sighed.

Hailey: "I know, I just need to think about it a bit more because once he knows, he will try to talk me out of it," They agreed.

Olivia: "If you need help, just message me. I am the best lawyer at the moment." I laughed at her little self-promo.

Hailey: "I will," I said seeing a group of teens enter, our teens.

Kendall: "Would you look at that..." She said making everyone turn and see our children walk inside the restaurant.

Aria spotted us and told the others making them all walk towards us with smiles. I saw Y/n's arm around Anastasia and made a mental note to ask her about it later.

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