Chapter Thirty Two.

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My head has been so messy that I forgot to post. I'm getting to the point where things are going to pick up in this book, and it is going to end soon 😕. You know what to do with the comments 😻

S4E2: What The Hell Is Going On?!

Y/n Pov.

Hobbs: "Things are heating up fast!" He threw some folders on the table and looked at us. "I can't keep quiet any longer. This is getting out of hand." I looked over the documents and sighed.

Y/n: "Are they doing more deals? They did over ten deals yesterday. How are they transporting so many drugs and girls without getting caught?" I asked after looking at some pictures.

Hobbs: "Because they have people everywhere and I think they have someone on my team working for them." We all looked at him. 

Mia: "What?! That could blow our-"

Hobbs: "They only know I'm working with a team, they don't know who." He said, clearing up any doubt she had.

But my bad feelings continued to get worse.

Brian: "What's wrong?" He asked, looking at me, "Is there something we should be worried about?" He asked.

Y/n: "I think so." I stood up from my seat and started pacing around.

Tej: "Yo, calm down and talk to us," he said, trying to calm me down.

I've been having a bad feeling since the time of Hailey's party, and I couldn't shake the feeling. I couldn't focus on school because something was always eating me up. I couldn't even focus on Hailey because I was constantly wondering if people were watching us. 

Justin has been too quiet. 

Y/n: "Something is wrong and we need to move," I said, making them stare at me confused.

Roman: "What? What do you mean?" He asked.

Y/n: "I have a bad feeling and I know it's not enough for us to just pack up and move, but I can't shake it. I've been trying, but something is telling me we need to move and shut this entire operation down. Now." I spoke more firmly.

Dom: "You need to give us more details here. This is a lot to ask for..." He said, leaning on the table.

Hobbs: "Come on, kid, tell us what's going on in your head." He crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for me to talk.

Y/n: "Ever since Justin came back, he has been way too quiet and focused on whatever he is doing here. I know you're all thinking I'm overthinking this, but I know what I'm feeling and I know it's all suspicious." I pulled out all the folders.

Gisele: "Where are you going with this?" She asked.

Y/n: "Look at all the dates these deals went through..." I gave them each a document to read. "It dates after he arrived in Los Angeles, which means he has been working from here. We checked all his dates and he never worked when he was here, so don't you think that's weird?" I asked to see them look at old records.

Letty: "Why would he be making deals while he is home if he had never done it before?" She asked.

Y/n: "Exactly! I mean, what if someone tracked his location and found out where he lives? That could make his plan-" I stopped mid-sentence as the realization hit me.

Gisele: "Oh my god," she said, realizing what I was thinking. 

Y/n: "He knows people are after him, which is why he is doing the deals from home. Someone from Hobbs's team must have leaked that you have people working on cracking the case, and now he is trying to find who it is." I said, biting my nail.

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