Chapter Twenty Nine.

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The season final is coming up! I wonder what's going to happen 👀

S3E9: Birthday Celebrations.

⚠ Mature Content ⚠

Y/n Pov.

Y/n: "I told y'all not to do anything special," I sighed walking downstairs to see balloons and a sign set up.

Mia: "Can you just be excited for this year? This is the one year where can celebrate without there being some massive problem that we need to fix right away. Just enjoy it, okay?" I sighed and nodded.

Y/n: "Alright-"

Mia: "Presents! Let us eat breakfast and then we can open your presents!" She smiled kissing my cheek.

Dom: "Happy birthday, kid." He smiled kissing my head. I hugged him and pulled away feeling everyone tug me into hugs.

I sat down at the table and saw it set out with all my favourites foods. I licked my lips and grabbed one of each, sitting back in my seat. I started eating and heard Mia laugh from beside me.

Mia: "You can grow up all you want but you're always going to be my baby sister, okay?" I swallowed my food.

Y/n: "I know, I love you too." I spoke knowing what she meant. She smiled softly and went back to eating.

Brian: "So what are we doing today?" I shrugged.

Y/n: "I have no clue, Hailey said that she spoke to Mia and they have the day all planned out. I'm just supposed to eat, get ready and meet them at their house." I thanked Dom for pouring some juice for me.

Han: "How are things going with Justin?" I hummed.

Y/n: "It's going the same so far, he has been making more attempts to spend time with them so they allow it. I don't think she tells me too much because she's afraid it might upset me but also, I can't expect much because what we're doing is wrong too." I admitted.

Gisele: "True, but you cant end something that has been ended for a long time. They're basically separated and I know Hailey spoke to you about how complicated things are with him. She is grateful you understand, trust me." I processed what she said and nodded.

Y/n: "Yeah, well I'm grateful for her." I smiled going back to eating my food.

We ate our breakfast before packing up our things and leaving the house. Mia made me drive to Hailey's place to pick them up while she drove with the others. I pulled up to the driveway and saw Justin's car parked out. I parked next to his and noticed that the side had a few dents and scratches.

I shrugged it off and decide to think about it another day and walked to the door, ringing the doorbell. I looked down at my outfit and smoothed it down a bit when the door opened, I saw Amelia standing there with a grin.

 I looked down at my outfit and smoothed it down a bit when the door opened, I saw Amelia standing there with a grin

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