Chapter Two.

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S1E2: Ms. Flirtatious

Hailey Pov.

Conner: "Seriously?!" He asked looking at her.

Y/n: "I am, why?" She asked walking ahead with my kids.

Amelia: "Well, we attend the same school and so do our friends..." She explained.

Y/n: "At least I'll know some people," She shrugged.

Conner: "We were talking about school for so long and you didn't mention that you were going to the same one as us. I have a feeling we're going to have fun," Y/n chuckled.

Hailey: "Sure, we can help you out. Sierra doesn't have a strict dress code. As long as it's nothing too revealing or anything, they don't care." I explained walking with Mia.

Mia: "That should be fine, it's not like Y/n wears anything revealing anyways." I looked at her weirdly before shrugging it off and walking to the store I usually stop at for the kids.

Y/n: "So since my loving brother said I can get whatever I want....can I?" She asked looking at her sister.

Mia: "He said he's getting your clothes, I'm just here to make sure you don't do anything we would at your age," She hummed.

Hailey: "Are you and Y/n close?" I asked thinking about the relationship I have with my sister.

Mia: "We are, even though she annoys me more than anyone I've ever met." I laughed.

Hailey: "Maybe she's trying to show love in that way?" I suggested.

Mia: "I wished there was another way," I laughed seeing Conner stop at the Nike store. He looked over and grinned.

Conner: "So, since dad is buying everything-"

Hailey: "Get whatever you want, get the whole store if you want," Amelia and him cheered before looking at Y/n who was looking over some things.

Amelia: "What's your style like Y/n?" She asked curiously.

Amelia was good with clothes, she could make an outfit out of things you never thought could be made into an outfit. She did a lot of my clothing choices and outfits throughout the years.

Y/n: "Honestly, it's boy's clothing," She answered with a shrug. We all looked at her slightly confused and amused with how confident she was.

Conner: "I don't judge, although, I am curious as to why?" He questions before his eyes widened. "Unless I'm being too inquisitive!" He rushed out.

Y/n: "No, it's alright," She said calming him down. "You see, I was born different than everybody else. I'm I'm female but have a uhm male anatomy." She explained trying to find the right words.

She looked at us waiting to see what we would say, it's like she was waiting for the worst to come out.

Hailey: "Okay, well I'm sure Conner can help you shop then and Amelia can put in her little details if you want? I try to help but these two find my style too...old." I said much to my distaste.

I remember the days when I used to be a fashion icon.

Mia: "Good luck with her, she's stubborn." Y/n clicked her tongue.

Y/n: "Wonder where I got that from," Mia rolled her eyes.

Mia: "Shush, anyways, I need to do some shopping as well and the store next door looks interesting, can I go look at it?" I nodded.

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