Chapter Thirty One.

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Welcome to season four 😈😵. I'm thinking double updates? 🤓

Y/n's Pov.

The evening went on well and there was a handful of people left. I sat near the fireplace with my friends and ate whatever was leftover since we got hungry again.

Conner: "Cuffs or chains?" We all looked at him, "It's the video that came up on my TikTok!" He said defending himself.

Y/n: "Why is that coming up on your page?" Everyone looked at him making him tuck his phone away.

Conner: "So, I'm tired," He said changing the subject.

Amelia: "Nice save," She laughed grabbing another chicken wing. "Have you gotten any more information about Justin and his friends?" She asked glancing at her father who still sat with them at the bar.

Y/n: "No, their records came up clean which would normally mean a dead end but people change their identity to get these things done so I made them do some facial recognition and see what happens. We might only find something tomorrow or so," I sighed sitting back in my seat.

Conner: "You look stressed out," I hummed wiping my hands.

Y/n: "I'm always stressed out C, I just hide it very well." I chuckled glancing at him. "Something isn't right," I muttered thinking.

Amelia: "What do you mean?" She asked looking at me.

Y/n: "Don't get alarmed by what I'm saying but for safety precautions, don't go anywhere with him alone and you all should have spare bags packed with passports and ID's." I watched their eyes widen. 

Lucas: "What?!" We all shushed him and sighed. 

Y/n: "Let's go by your parents," I stood up and walked over to where they were all sitting and drinking. 

Mia: "Hey," She smiled seeing my face, "Oh no, what happened?" She sighed.

Bella: "Thank God I didn't drink much tonight, what's up?" She asked staring at us. I gave Hailey a look and sighed.

Y/n: "Don't freak out and don't cause any attention to ourselves, so let's just all sit around and make it seem like we're having a normal conversation because I can feel eyes on us," I muttered loud enough for them to hear.

Kendall: "I have a feeling we should be concerned," I cleared my throat.

Y/n: "I have a gut feeling is all," I mumbled thinking about how I should word what I'm going to say, "I know this will cause some panic but something doesn't feel right. My gut is telling me that we should be prepared so just in case, when you go home today, pack some bags." I said seeing them frown.

Olivia: "Bags?" I nodded.

Y/n: "Whatever essential items you need, make sure your passports are ready and up to date." I said exchanging looks with my family who understood what I was saying.

Vanessa: "You'd tell us if it was anything serious, right?" She questioned.

Y/n: "I would. But I would also need more information before jumping to conclusions."


It's been three days since Hailey's event and we were all busy with school and everyone else with their jobs. Conner, Amelia and I decided to drive to the destination of Hailey's shoot that she was doing and once we arrived, we were amazed.

Conner: "Woah, I haven't seen mom do a shoot in so long! This looks cool!" He said as some staff greeted us. 

Y/n: "It is," I grabbed some snacks that were on the table and saw Amelia outside. I followed Conner to where his sister was standing and saw her watching her mom model. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌. 𝐈. 𝐋. 𝐅 {𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐰𝐢𝐧/𝐘𝐨𝐮}Where stories live. Discover now