Chapter Twenty Seven.

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I'm trying to get back into the groove of writing ❤ Spam me if you missed me 🥺

S3E7: Explaining The Past And The Present {Part II}

Hailey's Pov.

Bella: "So, how is the death sentence going?" I scoffed watching Justin clean the pool outside.

Hailey: "It's been very...cold at home. Conner and Amelia take whatever opportunity they have to leave and so do I," I sighed sitting on the sofa with Bella.

Bella: "It's been two days and something feels off about it." I hummed softly.

Hailey: "Everyone has the same feeling..." I mumbled thinking about what happened over the past two days, "Something is wrong with Y/n." Bella glanced at me confused.

Bella: "What? Did she tell you something?" I shook my head.

Hailey: "No, but I can feel it. She hasn't been over much and I get it because it might be uncomfortable but I can feel something isn't right..." She tilted her head to the side and hummed.

Bella: "Maybe try going over there and talking to her. You know how this whole communication thing should work and after everything that's been unloaded on you recently, I don't think more secrets will help. Just go and talk to her." She encouraged with a smile on her face.

Hailey: "Yeah, Conner and Amelia are going there just now, I might go with you." Bella grinned.

Bella: "Can I come? Y/n told me that I could take her new car for a drive," I laughed and nodded my head.

Hailey: "You can. I'm glad you and Y/n get along," Bella laughed and took my hands in hers.

Bella: "Why wouldn't I? Y/n is great and she really does put you first in whatever way she could, I see something with the two of you that I never really saw in any of your other relationships and I think this one might be the one." I giggled.

Hailey: "I need to get rid of this one though," I moved my head in the direction Justin was standing.

Bella: "I think everyone will help with that." We both laughed and saw Conner and Amelia come down the stairs. 

Amelia: "Mom, we're going over to Y/n's, do you want to-"

Bella: "Let's all get going," She grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the living room. I laughed and grabbed my things leaving the house with them.

We walked to their house, Conner entered the pin for the gate making it open. We walked up to the front door making Amelia take a key out from her pocket and open the door.

Bella: "Excuse me, how do you have a key to their house?" She asked amused.

Amelia: "Everyone loves me here," I laughed to myself and saw Mia walk in and chuckle.

Mia: "I see you're making good use of the key..." We exchanged hugs and followed her outside to the pool where everyone sitting and enjoying themselves.

Hailey: "My kids just show up here randomly, I'm sorry about that-"

Mia: "Don't be silly, we're all family." I smiled at their words and saw Y/n playing with Jack making my heart speed up at the sight. 

Bella: "I sense baby fever might be coming back," She sang making me nudge her softly.

Hailey: "Shut up!" Bella laughed and called Y/n over making the girl leave Jack with Tej and approach us.

Y/n: "Ladies," She smiled making Bella hold her hand out.

Bella: "Hey hot stuff, can I drive your car now?" Y/n chuckled and gave her the keys to the car.

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