Chapter Eighteen.

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Things Are Just Heating Up.....🥵👀 Spam Me If You Missed Me? 🤍

S2E8: Palm Springs {Part VII}

Hailey's Pov.

Y/n: "I think I have a concussion." I heard her groan from the floor.

Bella: "What-Oh my God!" She looked at me wide-eyed.

Hailey: "I can explain this!" I rushed out. I wrapped the sheets around me and got up from the bed to see Y/n holding her head and groaning.

Bella: "Jesus, Y/n, are you okay?" She asked walking to where Y/n was laying on the floor.

Y/n: "I think so..." I saw her using the blanket from the bed to cover herself up and frowned.

Hailey: "Baby, let's get you off the floor." I walked past Bella and helped her stand up. I sat her down on the bed and sighed "Bella, I-"

Bella: "I'll go get some ice for Y/n, you two can explain when I get back." She gave me a look and walked out of the room.

I changed into some shorts and a tank top whilst Y/n put her boxers on and her shirt. She settled down on the bed and huffed. I kissed the side of her head and pouted seeing her in pain.

Hailey: "Sorry for pushing you off me, I just freaked out." She chuckled and glanced at me.

Y/n: "It's okay, at least I didn't fall on my dick." It was my turn to giggle. I leaned forward and pecked her lips.

Hailey: "At least..."She pecked my lips once more and pulled away just in time for Bella to walk in.

I glanced at her and bit my lip nervously, she placed the ice pack on Y/n's head and shook her head looking at the teenager. Y/n thanked her lowly before staying silent, waiting for one of us to break the tension in the room.

Bella: "So, when did the two of you become a thing?" She raised her eyebrows at us. Y/n looked over at me and gestured towards Bella.

Hailey: "Uhmm it just happened, it was the kids first day back at school and Amelia had Y/n's earphones so she came to pick it up and she ended up staying, watching some TV with me-"

Y/n: "To be honest, I was busy checking you out." She cut me off with a smirk. I gave her a look making it quickly disappear.

Hailey: "Anyways, we kissed and I tried to push whatever I felt away because I know it's wrong of me. I do..." I stopped and looked at Bella who had a blank expression on her face, "But I couldn't. She makes me feel good and I'm not just talking about the sex-"

Y/n: "Thanks, babe." I shook my head at her and focused on Bella who seemed to be taking this all in.

Hailey: "She makes me feel important and I know what I'm doing is wrong but I can't help myself! I want to be happy...truly happy and Y/n makes me feel that way." I finished preparing for the worst.

Y/n: "Mrs. Tesfaye..." Y/n stood up from the bed and shook her head a little, "I know this isn't the best situation and I understand the things I've done and I know it's wrong. I'm with my friend's mother and she is married...once again, not the best situation. But I-" She cut herself off and cleared her throat, "I care about her and it's not because she's hot, even though she is-sorry," She mumbled shaking her head. I laughed lowly and smiled at her softly. "She's beautiful, yes, but her mind is even more intriguing and I just...I'll never hurt her intentionally. I need you to know that." She finished gulping.

We both looked at Bella who stared at us both with a similar expression from the beginning of this conversation.

Bella: "Thank God!" She said throwing her arms around Y/n.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌. 𝐈. 𝐋. 𝐅 {𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐰𝐢𝐧/𝐘𝐨𝐮}Where stories live. Discover now