Chapter One.

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Season 1 Episode 1: Meeting The Toretto's

Hailey Pov.

Hailey: "Conner! Hurry up, we need to leave before parking becomes a problem!" I shouted walking downstairs to the kitchen.

I walked to the fridge and opened it grabbing a water bottle and closing it. I turned around and saw Justin walk downstairs with two bags in his hands.

Hailey: "I hope those are bags of money." He looked up from his phone and sighed.

Justin: "There was an emergency and I have to leave town for a few days," He said putting his phone back in his pocket.

Hailey: "A few days?!" I whisper shouted hoping our kids never hear us. "Justin, you missed Conner's birthday last week and now you're leaving just before one could start their final year of school and the other only has two years left? You promised to take them shopping and get them their new cars." He sighed.

Justin: "I know I did but what do you want me to say? Work is important," I scoffed.

Hailey: "And how do you expect me to explain this to them?" I questioned gripping the edge of the counter.

Conner: "Explain what?" I saw him come down the stairs with his sister, Amelia following behind him. I looked at Justin for him to explain to them.

Justin: "Kids, look, there was an emergency that requires my attention in Canada and I need to fly back." He explained pulling out his wallet, "But look, you can take my card and buy whatever you want." He held out his card for them to take.

Of course, buy your children's love. That's the answer to everything.

Amelia: "Aren't you tired of buying your children's love?" She snapped looking at him. "But then again, you're never around for anything anymore so I've grown used to not having you around," I stayed silent and watched them both look at their father.

Justin: "Amelia Bieber! How dare you talk to me like that?! You should have respect-"

Conner: "Why? You don't give us a reason to. You know, you make promises you can't keep and I've grown used to it but at least feel bad for your wife, our mother who's been like a single mom for her entire life!" He bit back in anger. I shook my head at him and looked at Justin who was stunned by his son's words.

Justin: "Conner, Amelia, I-"

Conner: "Whatever, mom we're ready," He said grabbing the keys from the counter and walking out the door with his sister following behind him.

I heard the door shut behind them making Justin turn to me with a frown on his face.

Justin: "How could you allow them to talk to me like that?! I'm their father and-"

Hailey: "Then start acting like it!" I exclaimed before taking a deep breath to calm myself down. "Justin, we were never like this. You never put your career before your family but as of lately that's all you've been doing. You've missed anniversaries, birthdays, and even Christmas and I can't keep on defending you to the kids. They're not ten anymore, they understand what's going on," I said grabbing my bag and water. 

Justin: "What do you want me to do Hailey? My job is-"

Hailey: "Yes, I already know what you're going to say, your job is important and you're doing it for us. Guess what Justin, you're not going to have a family soon so you might not have anybody to do it for anymore." I watched his face fall as he stared at me speechless.

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