Chapter Twenty Eight.

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Y'all aren't ready for what I have coming up ☠. You know what to do with the comments ;)

S3E8: We Have To Be Smart About This.

Hailey's Pov.

Hailey: "When did you guys come back?" I asked wiping away my tears and trying to gain my composure.

Amelia: "A while..." She answered walking up to the table and grabbing the folder that held the information Y/n had gotten on Justin.

Hailey: "Lia, don't look at those," I quickly took them from her and held them behind my back.

Amelia: "There's no point in lying to us mom, we heard everything." She said looking at me.

Bella: "Kids, this sounds really complicated, we should just give your mom some time to process this," She spoke up trying to cool down them down. I looked over at Conner who stood silently with his fists clenched.

Conner: "I'm going to kill him." He fumed storming out of the house.

Hailey: "Conner!" I shouted running after him. We all ran outside, Y/n being the fastest one and stopped him by grabbing his shoulders.

Y/n: "C, you gotta calm down!" She said trying to stop him from moving past her.

Conner: "I heard everything you said! I heard it!" He shouted causing most of us to jump in shock.

Y/n: "I know but going to your house and picking a fight with him isn't going to make things better," She mumbled looking at me and back to him. "I know you're hurt-"

Conner: "I hate him." He cut her off, "I've tried looking past the things he has done for years hoping one day he would come home and actually stay but he is too busy selling drugs to care?" I held back my tears and let Y/n calm him down.

Y/n: "You can hate him all you want but you also need to think carefully about things okay? We all have to be smart about this." She reasoned out patting his shoulders, "Let's go inside and talk?" He let his hands fall to his sides and nodded.

Conner: "Yeah, okay," He mumbled turning around and walking to me.

Hailey: "I'm sorry, baby. I know how much you-"

Conner: "I'm sorry you have to go through this," He whispered pulling me into a hug. "I knew how much you dealt with alone and now this...I'm so sorry, mom." I felt my lips tremble and hugged him back.

Hailey: "It's okay, I got you two so it wasn't all bad." I joked feeling Amelia join the hug, squishing me between the two of them.

Amelia: "I'm sorry, mom." She mumbled hugging us closer.

Y/n: "Let's give them a moment," I heard her mutter. I heard footsteps start to fade making my kids pull away and wipe their tears away.

Amelia: "Is this really true?" She asked looking lost. 

We all were at this point.

Hailey: "I think we need to go inside and let Y/n and her family explain everything to us. We're in uncharted territory and we need to learn whatever we can..." I said making them nod and follow me inside. 

We saw everyone sitting in the lounge and saw Y/n leaned against the wall, talking to Dom who patted her shoulders and hugged her. I cleared my throat and sat down next to Bella who stayed silent and moved up so we could sit.

Mia: "I'm so sorry for doing this," She said taking a step forward. "We moved back here intending to leave everything behind and this was something we needed to do our best to help with and trust us, we didn't even know what we were getting into and we didn't know Justin would be involved in it." She spoke while Y/n stood back with crossed arms and her head down. 

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