Chapter Four.

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Merry Late Christmas 🎄🎀. I'm so sorry about the delay in chapters. The Christmas season truly took a toll on me and distracted me but I'm back...also, comment, comment, comment! 😉

S1E4: The Last Day Of Summer

Hailey's Pov.

Conner: "So, what are we going to do today?" He asked looking at me.

Hailey: "I don't know, what do you want to do?" I asked seeing him shrug and sigh.

Amelia: "I called Y/n over, hopefully, she has a good idea," I hummed.

Hailey: "Hopefully," I smiled thinking about the girl. 

Y/n has been over a lot more over the past few weeks and I think I enjoy her company more than my kids. Justin is also around, but we tend to ignore him. I noticed that he asks Y/n a lot of questions which results in Conner or Amelia dragging her away from him and apologizing.

Justin: "Y/n comes here a lot," He said walking out from God knows where.

Conner: "Yeah, a lot more than you huh," Justin gave me a look.

Justin: "You know Conner, the reason why I'm not around is that-"

"You want us to have the best that's why you work," We all said cutting him off.

Hailey: "We've heard it before," I mumbled drinking my tea.

Amelia: "And mom likes Y/n to come home because unlike you she helps out and we like her," She spoke sassily taking him back.

Justin: "Amelia Bieber, who gave you the right to talk to me like this? You know-" We heard the doorbell go off making her jump off the stool.

Amelia: "Y/nnnnnn!" She sang happily walking to the door, "You saved us all!" She dragged Y/n into the kitchen making the girl look at her confused.

Y/n: "I did?" I giggled softly and her confused state and finished up my tea.

Justin: "Y/n," He greeted. She sent him a stiff smile and nodded.

Y/n: "Mr. Bieber," She mumbled before looking at me and winking. I blushed and went back to washing my cup when Conner spoke up.

Conner: "So, Toretto, what plans do you have for today?" He asked making me give her a bottle of water. 

Y/n: "Thank you." She smiled before looking at Conner and Amelia, "My family and I are going over to the racing track now. Do you want to join?" She asked.

Amelia: "Really?!" She asked with clear excitement.

Y/n: "Yeah, we have enough cars that you can borrow if you want and-"

Conner: "I love you!" He jumped and hugged her with Amelia. She chuckled and hugged them both.

Y/n: "Mrs. Bieber," I looked up and sent her a small smile.

Hailey: "Yes Y/n?" She smiled.

Y/n: "You can come as well, everyone can." I hummed.

Amelia: "Mom, please?! You can finally give your Aston Martin a test run. Please?" She begged.

Hailey: "Don't you think that I'm too old for all of this?" I asked making my kids scoff.

Conner: "You're the coolest mom ever, come on, let's go," He said making me laugh.

Hailey: "Alright, I'll come," I sighed wiping my hands with the kitchen rag.

Justin: "What? I thought we could have some couple time together," He frowned looking at me. I saw Y/n tense up but quickly look away from me and started talking to Conner and Amelia about something.

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