Battle Palace

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Micheal POV
I get a call from professor oak. He say he located another battle frontier facility. I say where is it. He says it's located on Metallica Island near Seafoam Island. I say thanks and fly to Seafoam Island. I start to search for Metallica Island. I find it and enter the Island. I see a building and enter say is this a battle frontier facility. An old man turn around and say yes this is the Battle Palace. I say well I'm here to challenge it. He say I'll accept your challenge but my bond with my Pokémon is strong. I am one with my Pokémon. But how is your bond with your Pokémon. Do you believe in them. If that trust fails then there is no need to challenge me because you will not be able to defeat my Pokémon. Prove that bond with your Pokémon to me. He start to walk outside. I say aren't we battling in here. No I like the wild area better. He start to run and send out Venusaur. I start to run and send out Blaziken. I say use blaze kick. Venusaur dodge and use solar beam. It hit. I say use Blaze kick. It hit and Venusaur use vine whip to throw Blaziken off balance. I say use aerial ace. Venusaur fainted. He say let's take a break. We eat our lunches then continue. He start to run again and send out Shiftry. I send out Togetic. I say use aerial ace. Shiftry use shadow ball. Togetic fainted. I send out Torkoal. Shiftry use rock smash. I say use overheat. Shiftry fainted. He send out Claydol. I return Torkoal. I send out Squirtle. I say use hydro pump. Claydol fainted. Wel, that was some display. Your team is truly admirable. Here is the spirit symbol. I say thanks and head home to rest.
Micheal Team: Squirtle,Togetic,Swellow,Manectric, Blaziken ,Metang.

Oak lab: Meganium, Chardizard,Alakazam , Feraligatr,Ampharos,Fearow,Beedrill, Pidgeot,Vileplume,Raticate,Gengar, Venasaur,Poliwrath,Jolteon,Ninetales, Tauros,Nidoking,Snorlax,Lapras, Primape, Dragonite, Noctowl, Heracross, Pikachu, Steelix, Scizor,Umbreon,Donphan, Tyranitar,Gyarados,Togetic, Typhlosion,Mewtwo, Crobat, Rhydon, Marowak,Houndoom,Ralts, Aggron, Crawdaunt, Torkoal, Salamence, Flygon, Glalie, Latios, Breloom,Swellow, Manectric, Swampert, Blaziken,Sceptile, Metang, Zangoose, Absol, Cacturne, Growlithe

Symbol: 5

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