Mikan Island Battle and Captured

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Michael POV
I arrive on Mikan Island. Than I see M and he say there is a gym leader on this island. Okay than where is it than. On the left. Bye. Than I walk into the gym. And see a girl. She probably the gym leader. Hey there Women. I here to challenge the gym leader here. O hello that me. And I am Cissy. Okay ready to battle. Yea I am. She send out Seadra. I send out Ivysaur. She say use water pulse. I say use giga drain. Seadra fainted. She send out Blastoise. I say use solar beam. It charging. Ivysaur use solar beam. Blastoise fainted. Ivysaur start to glow and evolved to Venusaur. Than she hive me the coral eye badge. Than I walk out and see a nidoran (male).Than I throw a great ball. It catch. Than I go to relax for the day.
Michael Team: Squirtle, Poliwrath, Venusaur, Nidoran (male)
Oak lab:Fearow, Pidgeot, Raticate, Chardizard,Beedrill,Vileplume, Tauros, Haunter,Jolteon, Ninetales
OI Badge: 1

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