7th gym battle&egg hatching&more

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Micheal POV
I arrive in Mahogany town. Than my egg start to hatch. It hatch to a phanpy. I throw a pokeball and catch it. It goes to professor oak lab. Than I go to the gym. I see a old man. He say his name Pryce. Are you ready challenger. I say yes. He send out Seel. I send out Bayleef. I say use razor leaf. Seel use water gun. I say use razor leaf. Seel fainted. He send out Dewgong. I return bayleef. I send out Steelix. I say use gyro ball. Dewgong use ice beam. I say use gyro ball.  Dewgong fainted. He send out Piloswine. I say use earthquake. Piloswine use ice beam. I say use earthquake. Piloswine use ice beam. Steelix fainted. I send out Primape. I say use mega punch. Piloswine fainted. He say here the Glacier badge. I say thanks and see a girl trying to get to Kant's for the league. I say hey. She say do you know where I can find a way to Kanto. Probably in New bark town. She say thanks. You have all the jhoto badges. I do. I'm crystal by the way. I'm Micheal. So wanna battle. You sure you wanna battle with a pro like me. I say yes. Okay than. She take out a pokeball and kick it sending out Arcanine. She say let's do this Archy. I send out Squirtle. I say use hydro pump. Arcanine use crunch. I say use aqua tail. It miss. She say use flamethrower Archy. I say use aqua tail. She say use crunch. I say use aqua tail. Arcanine fainted. She send out Parasect. Let's do this Parasee. I say use skull bash. Parasect use absorb. I say use scald. Parasect is burn. She say use razor leaf. I say use skull bash. Parasect fainted. She send out Hitmonee. Take him out monlee she said. She say use mega punch Squirtle fainted. I send out Noctowl. I say use hypnosis. Hitmonee went to sleep. I say use confusion. Hitmonee still sleeping. Crystal say wait up Hitmonee. She give him a full heal. Hitmonee wake up. I say use aerial ace. Hitmonee fainted. She send out cubone. Let beat him Bonee. I return noctowl. I send out bayleef. I say use solar beam. It charging. Cubone use bone rush. Bayleef use solar beam. Cubone fainted. She send out Xatee. Let's end this Natee. I return Bayleef. I send out quilava. I say use flamethrower. Xatee use night shade. I say use flamethrower. Xatee fainted. Let's show him our power. She send out a meganium. I say use flamethrower. She say use razor leaf. I say use flamethrower. She say body slam. I say use flamethrower. Meganium fainted. Quilava start to glow and evolve into Typhlosion. She say I'm battle you again and I'm be stronger. She say while she runs to the new bark town. I go to the pokemon center to rest.

Micheal POV
Squirtle,Typhlosion,Bayleef,Noctowl, Croconaw,Steelix,
Oak Lab:Fearow,Beedrill,Pidgeot,Vileplume,Raticate,Gengar,Venasaur,Poliwrath,Jolteon,Ninetales,Tauros, Nidoking,Snorlax,Lapras,Primape, Dragonite,Heracross,pichu,Flaaffy, Scizor,Umbreon, Phanpy
In Training:Chardizard

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