Orange island finale

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Michael POV
I finally arrive at Pummelo. Than I go to this building. Than he say I is the champion. Ny name is Drake. Do you accept my challenge. Yes I do. Okay than here we go. He send out Electabuzz. I send out Nidoking. I say use earthquake. Electabuzz use thunder punch. I say use earthquake. Electabuzz fainted. He send out Gengar. I returned Nidoking. I send out Lapras. I say use surf. Gengar use Nightshade. I say use ice beam. Gengar use nightshade. Ice beam overpowered nightshade. Gengar fainted. He send out Venasaur. I say use ice beam. Venasaur Fainted. He send out Ditto. Ditto transform to Lapras. I say use headbutt. Ditto use ice beam. I say use headbutt. Ditto fainted. He send out Onix. I returned Lapras. I send out Primape. I say use low kick. Onix use rock throw. I say use low kick Onix fainted. He send out Dragonite. I returned Primape. I send out Lapras. I say use ice beam. Dragonite use dragon pulse. Lapras use ice beam. Dragonite use thunder punch. Lapras fainted. I send out Dragonair. I say use dragon pulse. Dragonite Fainted. Dragonair start to glow and evolved to Dragonite. He say you won and here your trophy. Thank you and I go back to Pallet town. I put my trophy in my room. Than Berry knock on my door. He say he want two battle. Our newest Pokémon in the first battle. Our best Pokémon in the second battle. I agree than He send out cubone. I send out Lapras. I say use ice beam. Cubone Fainted. He send out Gloom. I say use ice beam. Gloom fainted. He send out flareon. I say use ice beam. flareon fainted. He send out Raichu. He use thunder. Lapras fainted. I send out Snorlax. I say use mega punch Raichu use thunder bolt. I say use hyper beam. It charging. Raichu use body slam. Snorlax use hyper beam. Raichu fainted. He send out Tauros. I say use hyper beam. It charging. Tauros use earthquake. Snorlax use hyper beam. Tauros fainted. He send out Zapdos. I returned Snorlax. I send out Nidoking. I say use Stone edge. It hit Zapdos use thunder bolt. I say use stone edge. It hit Zapdos use quick attack. Nidoking use rock throw. Zapdos use thunder wave. I say use stone edge. It hit. Zapdos fainted. He say he won't be easy next time. We meet at the back of Oak lab and we battle. He send out Venasaur. I send out Chardizard. I say use flamethrower. Venasaur fainted. He send out Vaporeon. I returned Chardizard. I send out Snorlax. I say use thunder punch Vaporeon fainted. He send out Gengar. Gengar use body slam. I say use ice punch. Gengar use body slam. Snorlax use ice punch. Gengar fainted. He send out Raichu. I say use body slam. Raichu fainted. He send out Gyarados. I returned Snorlax. I send out Dragonite. I say use thunder punch. Gyarados fainted. He send out Chardizard. Dragonite use ice beam. Chardizard use wing attack. Dragonite use ice beam. It hit. Chardizard fainted. He say I guess you are the best for now. But I will train hard in johto. What that. A new region. Cool I am going too. Alright I going in two week. Be ready by than. Bye Loser he start to walk away. I smile. A whole new adventure awaits.
Kanto Pokémon: Squirtle, Fearow,Beedrill,Pidgeot,Vileplume, Raticate,Chardizard, Venasaur,Poliwrath,Jolteon,Ninetales, Haunter,Tauros,Nidoking,Snorlax,Lapras,Primape Dragonite

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