Team River attack farm

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Micheal POV
While I was on my way to the next city and I see Team River threaten a girl. She say no and send out a Donphan. They send out Golduck and Azumarill. I say stop and send out bayleef. I say I will help you. She say okay. Dophan use take down. Bayleef use magical leaf. Golduck and Azumarill fainted. They say there are more in the house. She say well I got many Dophan and whistles. Many Dophan comes and she say attack. After a few minutes. We see many Team River grunts and pokemon fainted. Than we go to the back to see all the Dophan fainted to a trainer with a blue jackets. And A Red R on a black shirt,pants,and shoes. He has a Wobboffet out. I say who are you. The leader of Team River and has a mysterious medal with him. He say he got what he need. Than he hand the girl many revives. He say you can heal all your pokemon with those than he say he will take his leave. He send out a Alakazam. He teleports away with his grunts. I say what yours name. The girl say Alison. What yours. Micheal I say. Well Micheal thank you for helping me. I say I will help clean your place up too. She say thanks. It took 3 days to clean it up. Than when I'm about to leave she say wait. She hand me a egg. This is a thanks for all your help. I say thanks and walk to the next city.

Micheal POV
Squirtle,Quilava,Bayleef,Heracross, Croconaw,Steelix,Egg
Oak Lab:Fearow,Beedrill,Pidgeot,Vileplume,Raticate,Gengar,Venasaur,Poliwrath,Jolteon,Ninetales,Tauros, Nidoking,Snorlax,Lapras,Primape, Dragonite,Noctowl,pichu,Flaaffy,Scizor,Umbreon
In Training:Chardizard

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