Pikachu/eevee squad attack. and Dragonair

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I see a trainer. He say you wanna battle. Sure. He send out a pikachu. I send out Nidoking. I say earthquake. Pikachu fainted. He send out Raichu. I say use earthquake. Raichu fainted. He send out eevee. I say use earthquake. Eevee fainted. He send out vaporeon. I say use earthquake. Vaporeon use water pulse. Nidoking fainted. I send out dratini. Dratini use thunder bolt. Vaporeon use aqua tail. I say use thunder bolt. Vaporeon use tackle. Dratini use thunder bolt. Vaporeon fainted. Wow you good before walking away. Dratini start to glow and evolved to Dragonair. I returned it. Than I send out Lapras. And ride her to the next island.

Michael Team: Squirtle,Dragonair,Primeape, Nidoking,Snorlax,Lapras
Oak lab:Fearow, Pidgeot, Raticate, Chardizard,Beedrill,Vileplume, Tauros, Haunter,Jolteon, Ninetales,Poliwrath,Venasaur
OI Badge: 3

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