8th gym battle

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Michael POV
I go all the way back to Viridian city to beat the 8th gym. I go in and see Giovanni. He say hello trainer I am the gym leader of this gym. So shall we battle. But before that happen Team River appeared. But he send out his Nidoking and they all flew out from Nidoking kicking them. Than he return it. Ready for the batthe I say yes. Than He send out Rhyhorn. Than I send out Poliwhirl. Than say use hydro hump. It hit. Than The Rhyhorn use earthquake. Than I say use water gun. Rhyhorn fainted. Rhyhorn was returned. Than he send out Dugtrio. Than he use dig. I say use hydro pump on this hole. It hit and Dugtrio come out than I say use ice beam. It froze Dugtrio. Than I say use water gun. Dugtrio fainted. He returned him. Than he send out Nidoqueen. Than I say use ice beam. It miss than Nidoqueen use poison sting. Poliwhirl got Poison. Than I say use Hydro pump. Than Ice beam. Both attacks it. Nidoqueen fainted. Than Poliwhirl fainted. I returned my Poliwhirl. Than I send out squirtle. Than he send out Nidoking. I say use surfIt hit. Nidoking use earthquake. Than I say use hydro pump. It hit. Nidoking fainted. He returned Nidoking. Than he send Rhydon. I say use surf. It hit Rhydon fainted. Well here kid the Earth badge. With this badge. You can go to the kanto league now. I walk out. Than When I was heading to the league. Berry come. He say want to battle. I say sure. Than he send out Venasaur. I send out Charmeleon. I than say use flamethrower. It hit. Than Venusaur use solar beam. I say use ember it hit. Than Solar beam hit. Than I say use flamethrower. Venasaur fainted. He than send out a Nidoking. I switch Chameleon. For squirtle. I say use surf. It hit. Then Nidoking use double kick. Than I say use hydro pump. It hit. Nidoking fainted. Than He say remember six on six battle. He say. Than he send out Raichu. Than I send out Charmeleon. I say use Dragon rage it hit. Raichu use body slam. It miss than Raichu use thunder bolt. It hit I say use flamethrower. It hit Raichu use volt tackle. It hit I say use Flamethrower. It hit. Than I say use Flamethrower. Raichu fainted. Than Charmeleon fainted. He send out Vaporeon. I send out Ivysaur. I say use poison powder. It hit. Vaporeon is poison. Than use leech seed. It hit. It absorb his energy. Than use razor leaf it hit. Vaporeon use ice beam. It Froze Ivysaur. Than use aqua tail. It hit. Than Vaporeon fainted. Than Ivysaur fainted. He send out Chardizard. Than I send out Squirtle. I say use surf. Than I use hydro pump. Chardizard use flamethrower. Than Chardizard use dragon rage. Than use wing attack. I say use bubble. It hit Chardizard fainted. Than Squirtle fainted. He send out Primeape.  I send out Gastly. I say use confuse ray. It hit. Primeape is confused. I say use shadow ball. Than I say use night shade. Than I say use Dark pulse. Primeape fainted. Than he say good battle but time for me to go.

Michael Team: Squirtle, Charmeleon,Ivysaur,Gastly,Fearow,Poliwhirl
Oak lab:Ninetails,Jolteon,Pidgeotto,Raticate,Gloom,Tauros,Beedrill

League Battle:0

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