Another Rival Battle and Whirl cup

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Micheal POV
I go back to Cianwood city. I see Light and say hey. He say hello and say he going to register for the whirl cup competition. I say I'll join. I go and register at Inland city. Than I go to Scarlet city. The competition begin. They say you can only use water pokemon and winning two round get you in the final. I say this is going to be easy. The trainer come out and send out goldeen. I send out Totodile. I say use bite. Goldeen use horn attack. I say use bite. Goldeen fainted. I won the battle. Than I battle another trainer with a krabby. I send out Totodile. I say use bite. Krabby use bind. I say use rage. Krabby use water gun. I say use bite. Krabby fainted. Than I see Light. I say I'm in the finals. Me too. Than I go into more battle. I win against their Golduck,Seel,Slowpoke, and Marill. Than I make it to the final round. It's me versus Light. He send out Croconaw. I send out Totodile. I see you caught you a Totodile. Let's see who's pokemon better. I say use bite. Croconaw use crunch. I say use rage. Croconaw use water gun. I say use rage. Croconaw use crunch. I say use rage. Croconaw use crunch. I say use bite. Croconaw fainted. Totodile start to glow and evolve into Croconaw. The announcer say I won and gives me a trophy. After the whirl cup. I arrive in Cianwood the next day. He say you wann have a actually battle. I say sure. He send out Furret. I send out Heracross. I say use brick break. Furret use hidden power: fire. I say use brick break. Furret fainted. He send out aipom. I say use brick break. Aipom use focus punch. I say use brick break. Aipom fainted. He send out Quagsire. I say use brick break. Quagsire use rollout. Heracross fainted. I send out Croconaw. I say use water gun. Quagsire use earthquake. I say use water gun. Quagsire fainted. He send out Bellossom. He use razor leaf. Croconaw use bite. He use razor leaf. Croconaw fainted. I send out quilava. I say use flamethrower. Bellossom fainted. He send out slugma. I return quilava. I send out steelix. I say use earthquake. Slugma fainted. He send out Crconaw. I say use hyper beam. Crocnaw use hydro pump. Steelix fainted. I send out bayleef. I say use solar beam. It charging m. Croconaw use crunch. Bayleef use solar beam. Crocnaw fainted. I say that was a good battle.

Micheal POV
Squirtle,Quilava,Bayleef,Heracross, Croconaw,Steelix
Oak Lab:Fearow,Beedrill,Pidgeot,Vileplume,Raticate,Gengar,Venasaur,Poliwrath,Jolteon,Ninetales,Tauros, Nidoking,Snorlax,Lapras,Primape, Dragonite,Noctowl,pichu,Flaaffy,Scizor,Umbreon
In Training:Chardizard
League Battle:0

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