1st sinnoh gym battle

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Micheal POV
I head to Oreburgh gym and enter. But I'm am told that the gym leader isn't here right now. He left for the Oreburgh mine. So I head to the Oreburgh mine. I enter the mine and look for the gym leader. While looking a worker wants to battle. He send out machop. I send out starly. I say use wing attack. Machop use revenge. I say use wing attack. Machop fainted. I win the battle and continue looking. Another worker wants to battle. He send out geodude. I send out ralts. I say use magical leaf. Geodude fainted. He send out onix. I say use magical leaf. Onix fainted. Ralts start to glow and evolve to kirlia. I final find the gym leader. I see a man with a helmet. He start to say OK, stand back and watch this. Using the hidden move Rock Smash, a boulder blocking your way..."
"Fallen boulders need to be smashed so they're out of the way. If you could get the Badge from the Gym in town, you'd be able to do this too. Of course, you'd have to beat the Gym Leader first. That'd be me!" Then he leaves and I head back to the gym. I say I am here to challenge the gym. He say Welcome! This is the Oreburgh Pokémon Gym! I'm Roark, the Gym Leader! I'm but one Trainer who decided to walk proudly with Rock-type Pokémon! As the Gym Leader, I need to see your potential as a Trainer. And, I'll need to see the toughness of the Pokémon that battle with you!". He send out geodude. I send out turtwig. I say use leafage. Geodude use rollout. Turtwig use leafage. Geodude fainted. He send out Onix. Turtwig use razor leaf. Onix use bind. Onix is binding turtwig. I say use leafage in it face. It hit and Onix let go. Onix use rock throw. Turtwig use razor leaf. Onix fainted. Turtwig start to glow and evolve to Grotle. He send out Cranidos. Cranidos use headbutt. Grotle use razor leaf. Cranidos use headbutt. I say use razor leaf. Cranidos use bulldoze. I say use razor leaf. Cranidos fainted. He say here is the coal badge. I say thanks and head to the pokemon center to rest.
Pokémon team:Squirtle, Kirlia, Togetic, Grotle, Starly, Shinx
Oak lab: Meganium, Chardizard,Alakazam , Feraligatr,Ampharos,Fearow,Beedrill, Pidgeot,Vileplume,Raticate,Gengar, Venasaur,Poliwrath,Jolteon,Ninetales, Tauros,Nidoking,Snorlax,Lapras, Primape, Dragonite, Noctowl, Heracross, Pikachu, Steelix, Scizor,Umbreon,Donphan, Tyranitar,Gyarados,Typhlosion,Mewtwo, Crobat, Rhydon, Marowak,Houndoom, Aggron, Crawdaunt, Torkoal, Salamence, Flygon, Glalie, Latios, Breloom,Swellow, Manectric, Swampert, Blaziken,Sceptile, Metang, Zangoose, Absol, Cacturne, Growlithe.
Sinnoh Badges: 1

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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