The runner safari zone

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Michael POV
I arrived at Fuchsia City and head north. their is a safari zone. So I pay $50.00 dollars to get in and I get 50 minutes. Than I see some Tauros. Than I throw a stone than a safari ball. Than it cacth the Tauros. So than for the next 40 minutes I try to catch a caterpie but Tauros keep getting in the way. Than I leave and go to the Pokemon center to sleep and in the morning I get up from the bed and than I hear something outside and I go check it out. Than I hear about a race with Tauros then I get my Tauros and go to the race spot than I send out Tauros than he say ready,set,go. Than we go run and I am in third place to the end. That it than I go to the next town

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