Battle Pyramid

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I go to the battle pyramid location and find it. I enter the pyramid and find the final frontier brain. I see a man with brown hair up front. He say I heard you would challenge me here. What do you think about the life of an explorer. Wouldn't you agree that exploration is the grandest of adventure. Using your wits, strength, Pokémon, and courage to guide you through this unknown world. Grand it is indeed. I'm the pyramid king, Brandon. Most people call me chief. I run this facility. You must be confidence in yourself to be here. Well now, bring your courage and face me. He send out Registeel. I send out Chardizard. I say use flamethrower. Registeel use metal claw. I say use flamethrower again. Registeel use earthquake. I say use flamethrower. Registeel fainted. He send out Regirock. I say use slash. Regirock use ancient power. Chardizard fainted. I send out Squirtle. I say use aqua tail. Regirock use superpower. I say use aqua tail. Regirock fainted. He send out Regice. I return Squirtle. I send out  Tyranitar. I say use earthquake. Regice use ice bean. Tyranitar use earthquake. Regice use ice beam. Tyranitar froze. Regice use ice beam again. Tyranitar fainted. I send out Blaziken. I say use blaze kick. Regice fainted. Hahahah! Grand it was! Grand, yes, indeed! Well done! You've earned recognition! Here is brave symbol. Young explorer! I look forward to our next meeting! Me too I say and leave. I head back to professor oak lab and say I beat the battle frontier. Good job and I got you a ticket for a region called Sinnoh. The boat will be here in a week. I say okay. I get a call from Lance saying he was beat. I say by who. This trainer named Ethan. I say I will be there soon. I get there and see the trainer. He say hey there champion. Well you beat the champion I say but I'm here to battle you. Not for the title tho. I'll let you have it. I just want a battle. He say okay and we walk to the battle field. I brought the Pokémon I usually use for challenger who challenge me as kanto champion. Which are usually just five Pokémon but I brought another Pokémon for extra training. He send out Ambipom. I send out Heracross. I say use brick break. Ambipom used double hit. I say use close combat. Ambipom fainted. He send out Politoed. I say use thrash. Polities use bounce. Heracross use thrash. Heracross became confused. Politoed use bounce. Heracross fainted. I send out Sceptile. I say use leaf blade. Politoed fainted. He send out Sudowoodo. I say use leaf blade. Sudowoodo use Dynamic punch. It hit. I say use leaf blade. Sudowoodo fainted. He send out Sunflora. I return Sceptile. I send out Crobat. I say use air slash. Sunflora use sunny day. I say use air slash. Sunflora fainted. He send out Typhlosion. He say let's do this Exbo. Crobat use bite. Typhlosion use blast burn. Crobat fainted. I send out Rhydon. Typhlosion use flamethrower. I say use earthquake. Typhlosion use flamethrower. I say use horn drill. It hit. Typhlosion fainted. He send out Togekiss. Togekiss used Metronome. Togekiss use water gun. Rhydon use stone edge. It hit. Togekiss fainted. That was a good battle. Ethan said thanks.
End of Hoenn Adventure
Pokémon: Squirtle, Meganium, Chardizard,Alakazam , Feraligatr,Ampharos,Fearow,Beedrill, Pidgeot,Vileplume,Raticate,Gengar, Venasaur,Poliwrath,Jolteon,Ninetales, Tauros,Nidoking,Snorlax,Lapras, Primape, Dragonite, Noctowl, Heracross, Pikachu, Steelix, Scizor,Umbreon,Donphan, Tyranitar,Gyarados,Togetic, Typhlosion,Mewtwo, Crobat, Rhydon, Marowak,Houndoom,Ralts, Aggron, Crawdaunt, Torkoal, Salamence, Flygon, Glalie, Latios, Breloom,Swellow, Manectric, Swampert, Blaziken,Sceptile, Metang, Zangoose, Absol, Cacturne, Growlithe.

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