Team Rocket

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Micheal POV
I hear about team rocket going around to steal poke ball parts. I go investigate. I go into their hideout. I see a grunt. Than I sneak into their boss office. I say what's going on here. A red hair boy turn around and say you must be the new champion. I made something for catching legendary. He reveal a purple ball. This is a master ball. It will capture anything. I gonna give it to you to catch a certain pokemon. Mewtwo to be exact. But first I need to test your skills. He clap his hands. A admin walk in he say he want a Gengar. We trade Kadabra for Haunter. Switch back and our pokemon evolve. Kadabra evolve into alakazam. Than I say thanks. Now it's time for a battle. He send out Weavile. I send out Chardizard. I say use flamethrower. Weavile use metal claw. I say use flamethrower. Weavile fainted. He send out Kindra. Kindra use waterfall. Chardizard fainted. I send out  Ampharos. I say use thunder. Kingdra use twister. I say use thunder. Kingdra fainted. He send out Honchcrow. I say use thunder . Hounchcrow use pursuit. I say use thunder. Honchcrow fainted. He send out Feraligatr. I say use thunder. Feraligatr use ice punch. I say use thunder. Feraligatr fainted. He send out Gyarados. I say use thunder. Gyarados fainted. He send out Ursaring. I return Ampharos. I end out Primape. I say use mega punch. Ursaring fainted. Here is the master ball. Red have information. I say where is is. On mountain silver. Good luck Micheal. I go out. I send a Houndour. I throw a pokeball. I catch it and head to mt silver.

Squirtle,,Meganium, Chardizard, Alakazam ,Feraligatr,Ampharos,
Oak Lab:Fearow,Beedrill,Pidgeot,Vileplume,Raticate,Gengar,Venasaur,Poliwrath,Jolteon,Ninetales,Tauros, Nidoking,Snorlax,Lapras,Primape, Dragonite, Noctowl, Heracross,pichu,, Steelix, Scizor,Umbreon,Donphan, Gyarados,Tyranitar,Gyarados, Houndour,Togepi,Typhlosion

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