Haunted experience

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Michael POV
I arrive at Fuchsia city. And I see Fuchsia tower. So I go in and a gastly appeared and I throw a pokeball and it caught it. Than I switch it with eevee. Than I send another gastly so I send out my gastly and say use lick it paralyzed the other gastly than I send out Raticate. Than say use quick attack. It hit than I say use headbutt. It fainted. Than I run into more gastly until I go to the top of the tower. Than I get a ghost seeker. And I can see a Flareon ghost and it baby eevee. Than I say what happen. Than it say well Team River 1st boss kill us in this tower and now we here until we know he is dead. His name is Louis Cake. O him well he died 3 years ago at 47. That good now we can go to the poke life. In humans turn the after life is poke life to us. Okay well bye. Thanks for your message. Well it time to get out of here. And I am out. And the people say the gym leader is back in Saffron and be ready tomorrow for challengers. Okay well time to rest for now.
Michael Pokémon: Squirtle,Gastly,Poliwag,Fearow,Charmeleon,Gloom
Oak lab:Vulpix,Raticate,Eevee, Bedrill, Ivysaur
League battle: 0

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