Fourth gym battle & Rival Battle

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Micheal POV
While training at night one day. I see a umbreon. But it not like other. It has blue rings. I say this look cool. Than I send out Squirtle. I say use hydro pump. I throw a pokeball. It catches. I trade noctowl for umbreon. The next day I go to the gym. I see a man. Hello my name Morty. Do you want to challenge me. I say yes. He say let's begin. He send out Gastly. I send out umbreon. I say use bite. Gastly use kick. I say use bite. Gastly fainted. He send out Haunter. I return umbreon. I send out Squirtle. I say use hydro pump. Haunter use night shade. I say use hydro pump. Haunter fainted. He send out Haunter. I say use water pulse. Haunter become confuse. It hit itself. I say use hydro pump. Haunter fainted. He send out Gengar. I return Squirtle. I send out Umbreon. I say use dark pulse. Gengar use Shadow ball. I say use sucker punch. Gengar fainted. He say here the fog badge. I say thanks and leave. Than A man say come and get a random pokemon for 5000 dollars. I pay and get heracross. Than when I'm about to leave. I see Light. He say wanna battle. I say sure. He send out Furret. I send  out Flaaffy. I say use return. Furret use take down. I say use body slam. Furret fainted. He send out Pidgetto. I send out thunder shock. Pidgetto use wing attack. I say use thunder shock. Pidgetto fainted. He send out aimpom. I say use body slam. Aipom use focus punch. I say use body slam. Aipom fainted. He send out wooper. I say use thunder shock. Wooper fainted. He send out Ledian. I return Flaaffy. I send out Cyndaquil. I say use ember. Ledian use comet punch. I say use ember. Ledian use comet punch. I say use ember. Ledian fainted. He send out Croconaw. I return Cyndaquil. I send out Chikorita. I say use razor leaf. Croconaw use bite. Chikorita use razor leaf. Croconaw fainted. Chikorita start to glow and evolve into Bayleef. He say I will beat you nexts time. He walk away. I go to the next route.

Micheal Team: Squirtle,Cyndaquil,Bayleef,Umbreon, Totodile,Flaaffy,
Oak Lab:Fearow,Beedrill,Pidgeot,Vileplume,Raticate,Gengar,Venasaur,Poliwrath,Jolteon,Ninetales,Tauros, Nidoking,Snorlax,Lapras,Primape, Dragonite,Onix,pichu,Noctowl, Heracross
In Training:Chardizard
League Battle:0

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