7th gym battle and Eevee evolution

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Michael POV
I arrive at Cinnabar City and I go to the the gym. I am Blaine this city gym leader. Than he send out Arcanine. I send out poliwag than I say use water gun. It hit. Than Arcanine use fire fang it hit than poliwag start to glow and evolved to Poliwhirl. Than I say use body slam. It hit than use hydro pump. Arcanine fainted. Than he send out Ninetales. I say use hypnosis. Than I say use hydro pump. It hit Ninetales fainted. Than he send out a flareon. I say use hydro pump. Than use double slap. Flareon fainted. Than he say here is a flame badge and here a thunder stone Surge gave me for my birthday. I take it and say thanks than I get it than I get eevee for gastly. Than I use the thunder stone on him and he evolved to Jolteon. Than I get Vulpix for Jolteon. Than I use a fire stone I got from MT Moon and evolved to Ninetales. Than I say yes and replace gastly with Ninetales.
Michael Pokemon: Squirtle,Chameleon,Gastly,Fearow,pidgeotto,Poliwhirl
Oaklab:Ninetales,Jolteon,Raticate,Ivysaur,Gloom,Tauros, Beedrill
League Battle:0

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