Pidgey training and Bulbasaur Squad

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Michael POV
I decide to train Pidgey for today. I send him out against a random trainer with a Butterfree. I sent out Pidgey and say use quick attack. But Butterfree use poison powder. And Pidgey get poison. Than I say eat a poison andiote. Pidgey eat it and he is no longer poison. And I say use gust it hit. Butterfree faint. I won. I do more battles. And Pidgey did good on them. Than I arrive at Planet city. I go to the police station to tell about Team River. But when I got there. I saw three Bulbasaurs and ask a man about them. He say you must not be from around here. Anyways those are the bulbasaur trio. The first bulbasaur is with a scar. He the trouble maker. The bulbasaur with a flower on it ear is the one to stop him. The bulbasaur with the sun glasses is the leader. Who try to get food and resources for the trio. Than Berry come and same o hey Michael let have a battle it will be 3 on 3. Okay I say. I send out Pidgey. He send out Clefairy. I guess I should have stay in mt moon longer. I say use wing attack. And Clefairy dodge it. Clefairy use headbutt. And Pidgey faint. So I send in Charmander. I say use ember. It hit Clefairy. Than I say use flame thrower. Clefairy faint. He than send in Vaporeon I say use flame thrower. Vaporeon dodge it and use water gun. It hit and than he use swift. Charmander faint. I use Squirtle and use skull bash. Vaporeon faint. He than send in a Charmeleon. He say I have my fourth badge right now too. Than I say use water gun. It hit. Than Charmeleon use dragon rage. It hit Squirtle faint. Well I guess I will take the bulbasaur with the scar. Than I will take the one with the glasses. Than I go on my way. I go to the next gym.

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