Battle Pike

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I get a call from professor oak. He say he located the next battle frontier facility. I say where. It's located near Fuchsia city. I say thanks and head to Fuchsia city to find it. I find it and enter the facility. I see a girl and she say her name is Barbara. She say her sister is the frontier brain. She bring me to this lady and she say her name is Lucy and the frontier brain of this facility. I say I'm here to challenge you. She say ok and send out Shuckle. I send out Blaziken. I say use blaze kick. Shuckle fainted. She send out Seviper. I return Blaziken. I send out Rhydon. Seviper use giga drain. I say use earthquake. Seviper fainted. Seviper fainted. She send out Milotic. Milotic use hydro pump. Rhydon use horn drill. It miss and Milotic use hydro pump. Rhydon fainted. I send out Manectric. I say use thunder. Milotic use twister. I say use thunder fang. Milotic fainted. She say here the luck symbol. I say thanks and head home when I get a call from Professor Elm. He say he got a old friend at his lab. I fly to new bark town. I walk into the lab and see Light. He smile and way. Hey Micheal, how you been. I been good. How about you. I been great. That trip to hoenn help me a lot. I went to hoenn as well. Cool and let's take a walk. We start to walk and talk for a while. While doing that I see a growlithe. I throw a poke ball and it catch growlithe. Then Light say let's have a battle. I say sure. He send out Furret. I send out Nidoking. I say use double kick. Furret use slam. Nidoking use double kick. Furret fainted. He send out Pidgeot. I say use thrash. Pidgeot use air slash. Nidoking use thrash. Pidgeot fainted. He send out Quagsire. I return Nidoking. I send out Cacnea. I say use needle arm. Quagsire use slam. I say use needle arm. Quagsire fainted. Cacnea start to glow and evolve to Cacturne. He send out Grumpig. I return Cacturne. I send out Absol. I say use night slash. Grumpig use power gem. Absol use night slash. Grumpig fainted. He send out Haunter. I say use night slash. Haunter fainted. He send out Feraligatr. I return Absol. I send out Sceptile. I say use leaf storm. Feraligatr use ice fang. I say use bullet seed. Feraligatr use ice fang. I say use leaf blade. Feraligatr fainted. Light say that was a good battle. Still couldn't beat you. But I won't let that get me down. He say well I should get going now. He wave goodbye. I head back to kanto and go home. I go to sleep.
Micheal Team: Squirtle,Togetic,Swellow,Manectric, Sceptile ,Metang.

Oak lab: Meganium, Chardizard,Alakazam , Feraligatr,Ampharos,Fearow,Beedrill, Pidgeot,Vileplume,Raticate,Gengar, Venasaur,Poliwrath,Jolteon,Ninetales, Tauros,Nidoking,Snorlax,Lapras, Primape, Dragonite, Noctowl, Heracross, Pikachu, Steelix, Scizor,Umbreon,Donphan, Tyranitar,Gyarados,Togetic, Typhlosion,Mewtwo, Crobat, Rhydon, Marowak,Houndoom,Ralts, Aggron, Crawdaunt, Torkoal, Salamence, Flygon, Glalie, Latios, Breloom,Swellow, Manectric, Swampert, Blaziken,Sceptile, Metang, Zangoose, Absol, Cacturne, Growlithe

Symbol: 4

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