Team River 2.0

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I go out the poke mart from buying things and I see a team River grunt and he walk to the route behind the city. I follow him and he go in a cave. I than see him threatening a old man and a new Pokemon. I use the Pokédex. It is a peekco. I run in and say stop. Than two other grunts come in. They say you getting in the way. They send out Marill,Staryu,Marill. I send out Shroomish. I say use absorb. They use water gun. I say use absorb. Both Marill. Staryu use tackle. I say use absorb. Staryu fainted. They say we be back. They run off. The old man say thank you and if you need to go over sea. I can take you with my boat. I say thanks. I than head back to little root. I see Professor Oak. He say hey Micheal I'm bout to leave. I say aw so soon. I have to get back to my Pokemon lab and back to writing my poems. I say okay. Than I go back to rustbo city. Than I start to train on all the other routes. Than I get a call from Professor Oak. I heard from Berry that he got his Professor license. I say that's great. Than he say there is a league in that region too. I say I know and than he say there are also Pokemon contest in that region too. I say that seem cool. I do know somebody who would like that. Than he say that Lance say everything okay over here too. That a relief. Than I hang up. Than a little boy say can you help me catch a pokemon to travel with. I say sure. I give him my Shroomish. I help him and he catch a ralts. He say thanks and leaves. I also catch a ralts. I than go to the pokemon center and rest.
Micheal Team:Squirtle, Pikachu, Houndour, Topegi, Shroomish, Treecko,
Other Hoenn Pokemon:Tailow,Ralts

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