Championship battle

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Michael POV.
I see the Champion Red. He see me and say are you ready Challenger. I say yes. Than he say let begin. He send out Pikachu. I send out Tauros. I say use Earthquake. Pikachu use Thunder bolt. I say use Earthquake. Pikachu use iron tail. Tauros use Earthquake. Pikachu fainted. He than send out Poliwrath. Poliwrath use brick break. I say use payback. Than rest. Tauros is sleeping and heal back to full health. Than Poliwrath use belly drum. Tauros is sleeping. Poliwrath use brick break. Tauros is sleeping. Poliwrath use brick break. Tauros wake up. Use payback. Poliwrath use brick break. Tauros fainted. I send out Ivysaur. I say use solar beam. Ivysaur is charging it. Poliwrath use brick break. Ivysaur use solar beam. Poliwrath fainted. He then send out Venusaur. Venusaur use hyper beam. It charging. Ivysaur use take down. Venusaur use hyper beam. Ivysaur fainted. I send out Chardizard. I say use flamethrower. Venusaur fainted. He send out Aerodactyl. Aerodactyl use rock throw. Chardizard use wing attack. Aerodactyl use rock throw. Chardizard fainted. I send out Squirtle. I say use water pulse. Aerodactyl fainted. He send out Snorlax. Snorlax use solar beam. Snorlax is charging. Squirtle use skull bash. Snorlax use solar beam. Squirtle use skull bash. Snorlax use double edge. Squirtle fainted. I send out Fearow. Snorlax use double edge. It hit. Fearow use steel wing. Snorlax use thunder punch. Fearow fainted. I send out Jolteon. Snorlax use rest and regained all HP. Jolteon use thunder fang. Snorlax woke up and use fire blast. Jolteon fainted. You loss the battle. Bye Trainer. Than I go to the Pokémon center. But red come in and say here a water stone. To evolved any Poliwhirl you might catch. And he say great battle with you today. Bye Trainer. He left. I go back to Pallet town. I give my Poliwhirl the stone and it evolved to a poliwrath. Professor Oak say sorry you loss kid. But I do need something to be delivered to a place call the orange island. Can you take it there and they even have a league there too. Okay than I will go and were to delivered to. Professor Ivy. Okay than bye.
That is The Kanto Adventure and to the Orange island. Which is another Kanto adventure but I will say all Pokémon he ever caught in order.
Squirtle,Fearow,Beedrill,Pidgeot,Vileplume,Raticate, Chardizard,Ivysaur, Poliwrath,Jolteon, Ninetales, Tauros,Haunter. And new Pokémon to come bye for now.

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