8th gym & Wally battle

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Micheal POV
I ride on my Crawdaunt to Sootopolis City. I arrive and see the gym leader Wallace. He turn around and say I heard you battle the legendary pokemon. If you hadn't stop it. I would have had to handle it. I say well you seem to have some confidents. Well let's see if your confident is well placed. We walk to the gym. We walk to the battle stadium.

He send out Luvdisc. I send out Breloom. I say use giga drain. Luvdisc fainted. He send out Whiscash. Breloom use giga drain. Whiscash use earthquake. Breloom use giga drain. Whiscash fainted. He send out Sealeo. Sealeo use aurora beam. Breloom fainted. I send out Manectric. I say use thunder. Sealeo use body slam. Manectric use thunder. Sealeo fainted. He send out Seaking. I say use thunder. Sea king fainted. He send out Milotic. I say use thunder. Milotic use twister. I say use thunder. Milotic fainted.

He say here the prove you beat me. He hand me the rain badge. You have all 8 badge. You can now challenge the league. What will you do. I say I gonna try to beat it. I walk out the gym and send out my Latios. I fly on my Latios to victory road. But before I go. I see a little boy with orange hair.

He say his name is Wally and he want to battle me to determine the strength. I say sure. Wally send out Altaria. I send out Shelgon. I say use dragon claw. Altaria use dragon dance. Altaria use dragon breath. I say use dragon claw. Altaria fainted. Shelgon start to glow and evolve to Salamence. He send out Delcatty. I return Salamence. I send out Combusken. I say use double kick. Delcatty fainted. He send out Roselia. I say use flamethrower. Roselia fainted. He send out Magneton. I say use flamethrower. Magneton fainted. He send out Gardevoir. I return Combusken. I send out Gengar. I say use shadow ball. Gardevoir fainted. He sigh and say I need to train more before I try to take on the league. He walk off. I travel through victory road and head to the pokemon center. I rest at the pokemon center.
Micheal Team: Squirtle,Manectric,Latios,Swellow, Breloom,Sceptile.

Other Hoenn Pokemon:Ralts, Swampert,Lairon, Crawdaunt,Torkoal, Combusken,Salamence,Trapinch

Oak lab: Meganium, Chardizard,Alakazam , Feraligatr,Ampharos,Fearow,Beedrill, Pidgeot,Vileplume,Raticate,Gengar, Venasaur,Poliwrath,Jolteon,Ninetales, Tauros,Nidoking,Snorlax,Lapras, Primape, Dragonite, Noctowl, Heracross, Pikachu, Steelix,
Scizor,Umbreon,Donphan, Tyranitar,Gyarados,,Togepi, Typhlosion,Mewtwo, Crobat, Rhydon, Marowak,Houndoom


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