Flying contest

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Michael POV
I go to the next city where many planes come and fly to other city's. Now I went to the Pokémon center than. Someone wanted to battle. He send out butterfree. I send out Pidgey and use whirlwind. Than I say use peck. Butterfree fainted he say your Pidgey good you should enter the flying contest. I say what that. He say it a contest where your flying pokemon in three round must fly to get three ribbons. I think I will enter it than it might be good training for my Pidgey. Okay so I go to the pokemon center to heal Pidgey. Than I go to the contest and it start first round I send out my Pidgey and he get a ribbon and another Pidgey try to take it so I say use gust it blow away the other Pidgey than I say use peck and the other Pidgey fainted. Than Pidgey get the second ribbon. The last ribbon is with the Spearow I say use whirlwind and it blow the spearow back than I say use quick attack again and again it miss the Spearow the first the second it hit the Spearow and it hit it the third time I say use quick attack to get the ribbon Pidgey get the ribbon. Winner is Michael and Pidgey we won and we will win the next two. The second round Pidgey get the ribbon and both pokemon go after him and start to use peck. I say get the next ribbon with quick attack and Pidgey use quick attack to get it like I told him. Than they start to attack him again than Pidgey start to glow and evolve to pidgeotto and it use wing attack to take out the beedrill like I told him to do it before. Than he use aerial ace. To take out the other beedrill. I say get the last ribbon and pidgeotto got it. Final round I say use quick attack and pidgeotto use it and get a ribbon andI say use aerial ace on the Fearow and it fainted and I say get the last two ribbons and pidgeotto got them. The boss if the contest say and the flying contest winner is Michael here is the him fly for your award I say yes. I go to the pokemon center to heal pidgeotto up and go to viper town to challenge the next gym

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