League Battle 1 and 2

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Michael POV
I train all my pokemon in Victory Cave for the Kanto League. When I get there it look big. Than M appear saying he beat 3 of 4 Elite four so want to battle 1 on 1. I say sure. I send out Squirtle. He send out Sandslash. I say use hydro pump. It hit. Than he use dig. I say use aqua tail and sense where he come out. He does and hit SandSlash when he come out. Sandslash fainted. He say good battle bye. He walk away. Than I go to the Pokémon Center. Than I go to the first Elite Four member. Lorelei. She say welcome and get ready for a ride in water. Than she send out Dewgong. Than I send out Beedrill. Than Dewgong use ice beam. It hit. I say use endeavor. Than use brick break. Dewgong fainted. I use a hyper potion. Than Cloyster is send out. Than it use ice beam. I say use endeavor. Than use brick break. Cloyster Fainted. I use a hyper potion. Slowbro is send out.I say use outrage. Slowdro use hydro pump. I say use brick. Slowbro Fainted. I use a hyper potion. Than she send out Jynx. It use psybeam. Beedrill Fainted. I send out Charmeleon. I say use Flamethrower. Lapras is send out. Lapras use ice beam. I say dodge and use Flamethrower. Lapras fainted. Charmeleon start to glow he evlove to Chardizard. Than I go to the next Elite Four. Kate. She say it time to thunder it up. She send out Raichu. I send out Ninetales. I say use Flamethrower. Than Raichu use Body slam. I say use Fire Fang. It hit. Raichu fainted. Pikachu is send out I say use Flame burst, it hit. Than Pikachu use iron tail. I say use Flamethrower. Pikachu Fainted. Than She send out Jolteon. I say use Fire pledge. Jolteon fainted. Than She send out Voltorb. I say use Flamethrower. It hit than use Fire Fang. Voltorb use self destruct. It fainted. So did Ninetales. She send out Electabuzz. Than I send out Tauros. I say use earthquake. Electabuzz use thunder punch it missed. I say use earthquake. Electabuzz fainted. I won. But the other two elite four members just left while I battle. Well time to rest. And think of a new strategy.

Michael Team: Squirtle, Charmeleon,Ivysaur,Gastly,Fearow,Poliwhirl
Oak lab:Ninetails,Jolteon,Pidgeotto,Raticate,Gloom,Tauros,Beedrill

League Battle:2

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