Chapter 1✨

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1941. London, at the worst possible hour, 7:30am. Raina grumbled as she grabbed her suitcase and walked to the station to go to school. She definitely loathed mornings. She remembered to pin her hair back this time around, which grew all the way down to her waist. Two years ago her hair was of medium length. As she walked to the train station, her stomach rumbled and she decided to grab a bagel before she left. The bagel was the only good thing about her morning. It was a cloudy day, with some wind and her now long hair fell on her face, the pins clearly not doing a good enough job.

Why does everything bad happen to me? Why can't I find a proper clip that does its damn job for heaven's sake Raina grumbled for the tenth time that morning. She finished her bagel and walked to the station which was across the road, after she crossed, she heard a honk, and she turned around. A little girl in St. Finbar's uniform with a grey hat stood in front of the car, as the owner screamed

'Mind yourself love'

To which the young girl apologized and went the other way. For some reason her voice seemed familiar, like she had heard it once before. Raina decided to ignore it and be on her way, because if she dilly-dallied any further, she would most certainly be late, and she would not be lucky to get into class without detention like Edm-

NO, I am NOT thinking about him again, get it together Raina, it's been a year. You are FINE. Raina mentally yelled at herself, before she got caught up in typical human traffic. She was claustrophobic and this was far from pleasurable for her. She made her way down the stairs to the station, when she was pushed forward. She tripped and fell, her suitcase skittered out of her reach, and she prayed that it wasn't broken. Had she been just a tiny bit more confident, she would rip the person who pushed her to shreds. Alas, she wasn't so she got up and walked over to get her suitcase and be on her way.

The sounds of fighting and cheering captured her attention, as she turned around and witnessed a mini brawl between 3 boys. They were perhaps a couple of years older than her.

Boys are stupid she thought. Just as she was about to turn away, she noticed another boy join the fight. He wore a newspaper boy cap and a scarf, and suddenly she got a deja vu. She found herself back in english class 2 years ago, and her eyes glazed over at the memory. The first time she met Edmund, and the rest of the Pevensie siblings. She had always wanted a sister.

When Raina sat down on one of the benches, she noticed her knee was scraped up from the fall, and it was now bleeding. A burning sensation took over and she hissed. She dug around her bag and found a handkerchief. She decided to wet it and lightly wipe the wound. It wasn't very big but it was painful nonetheless. While she was doing this, Raina realised her hair tie had fallen out of hair and her hair was fully open now. Not cursing took a great deal of strength.

After she cleaned up the wound, she looked to her right , and noticed two girls sitting there. Sucking in a deep breath, she walked over to them,

'Hi, do you by chance have an extra hair tie I could borrow?' she asked timidly, while looking down.

Damn it Raina at least look up she thought to herself.

'Sure, absolut- Raina?'

Raina's head shot up and her eyes widened,


Susan quickly engulfed Raina in a tight hug, and then someone else joined in,

'Raina! I missed you so much!' Lucy yelled and Raina laughed. Soon two others joined the hug too.

'Raina, it's been so long!' It was Peter, Raina smiled.

'It has and now I'm quite sure I'm not being able to breathe'

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