Chapter 20✨

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After a good night's sleep, everyone finally assembled in the dining room for breakfast. Raina decided to go back to her room and do her hair. She finally pinned it up and admired herself in the mirror.

The events of the previous night came back to her, as she blushed to herself

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The events of the previous night came back to her, as she blushed to herself. The boy she spent the past two years denying feelings for, actually reciprocated it and not to mention, their kiss in the battle was her first. As Raina looked in the mirror, her eyes widened at the sight of her red cheeks. She decided to quickly throw some water on her face, and make her way to the dining room.

As she walked down, it became apparent to her that she was lost. She noticed a castle servant a few ways away.

'Hi, good morning! Could you please help me find the dining room. I'm lost.' She said in a small voice. The woman looked at Raina as her eyes widened.

'What's wrong? Is there something on my face?' Raina asked, worriedly.

'No, no, Your Excellency. It's just, you look very beautiful.' The woman said, kindly.

'Oh! That's so kind of you to say, thank you!' Raina replied, shyly.

'Oh yes, the dining room. Follow me, Your Excellency.' The woman beckoned Raina down the hallway and stopped in front of a set of doors.

'Go right on in, Your Excellency.' The woman said.

'Thank you so much! Oh, what's your name?' Raina asked.

'Genevieve, Your Excellency.' She said to Raina.

'Thank you so much, Genevieve. Have a lovely day!' Raina chirped as Genevieve bowed to her, and went about her way.

Raina began to feel nervous. She had these bouts of nervousness involving social situations fairly often. She was an introvert by nature, and now all she really wanted was to hide in her room and read Pride and Prejudice. She peeped through a crack in the doors, and found everyone already seated, except for her. Susan wore a gorgeous dark blue gown with intricate detailing on the top. Lucy wore a pink and white gown that suited her very well. Peter wore a navy blue tunic with grey pants and black boots, while Caspian wore a grey tunic and brown pants with black boots as well.

Raina's gaze landed on Edmund who was wearing a black and grey tunic with grey pants and black boots. His hair was messy, as usual, and somehow in the morning sunlight, looked even more handsome than usual. She couldn't help but blush.

Raina took a deep breath as she opened the doors and walked in. All eyes turned to Raina, as silence prevailed for a few moments. Jaws dropped, eyes widened, shock ensued. Raina eyed everyone with a squint.

'What?' She asked, bluntly.

Lucy spoke up.

'Raina you look so beautiful, oh my god! Doesn't she, Ed?'

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